My cat sucks on my t-shirts which always weirds me out. My dog is pretty smart and learned how to turn doorknobs all on her own.
What unique things can your pets do?
What's the strangest, funniest, or smartest thing your pets do?-Myspace pets
Well, animals have the weirdest sences to know what is wrong. My Dogs especally. My 4 year old beagle has a ruitine every night, She makes the rounds around the house and visits everyone, She tucks them in to bed. Late at night she will go around again and check that everyone is breathing.
My Red Bone is an expert at making people feel better. She can sence when someone is sad or hurt. She is the first one on the sceen. She will cuddle when you are sad, go get help if you are hurt, and stand guard if you are scare. She is an amazing dog.
Finally my brid Cassie, She is a monk parrott. She used to have a huge vocabularly, but she lost that as my youngest sister got older and took most of the attention. Well I will still take her out and play with her. She will only talk now if she thinks no one is listening. Well I had her out one day and I was laying on my bed talking to her and fell asleep. I woke up to someone saying kiss, kiss, and I feel a little bird beak on my lips. It was her talking. I was so proud of her. She had been quiet for so long, and then she woke me up with a kiss.
All of my animals are sweet and smart in their own ways.
What's the strangest, funniest, or smartest thing your pets do?
My cat plays fetch o_O
What's the strangest, funniest, or smartest thing your pets do?
-(Myspace code
My Lovbird attacks me but she loves me a lot and she makes this farting noise when she sees me with an other bird indicating she is jealous, i think.
My oldest rat follows me around EVERYWHERE, but that's standard for a rat that's well taken care of. =)
My cat turns knobs and pries doors open. We had to childproof the doors. %26gt;.%26lt;
i throw away my tortoise at the river ,then 3 days later,i found my tortoise in front of my house wanted to get in from the gate but its too big,so i suprised how the tortoise can know how to comeback which the place i dump it is quite far,its about 3km? so i prefer to care it till now with me for 11 tortoise
I have a 13lb. tuxedo cat that likes to suck on fuzzy blankets. My other cat doesn't do that. Also, my calico-tabby mix likes to get wet when I'm in the shower. She stands there next to the tub and meows til I get her wet. She also likes to play fetch. My dog, she just likes to play with her toys and be silly. My sister has a male pug that likes to go to the park and swing in the baby swing.
my cat likes to lick plastic sacks and magazines,and likes my husbands ear wax
I taught my Boxer to poop in a plastic bag so her poop would never hit the ground so i didn't have to run my fingers through it as i was cleaning it off the ground.
My Cavalier King Charles Spaniel goes down the slide at the playground. She has been performing this trick since she was 10 weeks old. She is 2 years old now. She has learned to run up the stairs, run over to the slide and go down it all off leash. She will even go down the slide i tell her to go down as there are 2 slides at the top of the stairs. One on the right and one on the left. All i do is stand at the bottom of the slide to catch her when she comes down.
I once had a Lab/Shepherd mix that learned how to open the front door but turning the knob. I couldn't figure out how she was getting in the house when I'd put her outside to go to the bathroom. I watched her and she would actually jump up on the door and turn the knob with her paws. I eventually had to lock the door so she couldn't get in. It was the funniest thing to watch.
I also had a cat that thought she was a dog. Whenever we'd take our dogs for a walk she would always follow us. When we'd visit any of our surrounding neighbors she would follow us and sit at there front door waiting patiently for us to come out then she'd follow us home.
Another dog i had, an american Bulldog loved popping balloons. I would hide them all over the yard and he would sniff them out and pop every single one of them. He loved that game. Or i'd also tie a balloon to a tree branch and he'd jump up to pop it.
One of mine figured out how to open our doors, and we have these weird metal knobs-not really knobs, like a latch that you use your thumb to push down to open the door(I hate them lol). It's actually pretty hard to do, and one dog figured it out, and lets them all escape into the house when they're soaking wet or full of mud.
One lifts up the toilet lid when he's thirsty, not really too unusual. And not really strange, smart or funny, but the one when she has gas, clears out the whole room-including herself...And the other, when he has gas, he lets out a little "puff" sound...and he always sticks his nose right to his hiney, like he's trying to figure out what it was, like expecting something to pop's funny to watch, but really gross lol.
We have hardwood floors and my goldens lay down really funny-they sit and then slide down on their front legs to the floor. I didn't think it was odd until people pointed it out. Apparently most dogs don't do that! lol! They also snore like the three stooges, that "me me me me me" snore! Crazy girls..
One of our mice is *terrified* of humans although we've had her for well over a year. We've tried making friends by offering her treats %26amp; she eventually worked up the nerve to quickly take food from my fingers-- but she squeezes her eyes closed before coming near me as if she either can't stand the sight of the giant hand or else she thinks that if she can't see me, I can't see her either.
Several of our rats take treats from us, run off to hide the treat, then return eagerly for more. Our hairless rat will run on her wheel until she works it loose %26amp; when it falls she comes %26amp; looks @ me b/c she knows I'll fix it for her. She doesn't just run on the wheel-- she hops, dances %26amp; leaps too.
As I'm typing this, I'm using 1 hand to play fetch with our kitten. 2 of our older cats used to play fetch also, but don't do it so often these days. Our oldest cat not only grunts %26amp; snort, he taught another of our cats to grunt %26amp; snort!
Probably the weirdest is our fish-- 3 of them make noise when they eat.
We used to have a cat %26amp; a ferret who would "lie" to use-- both of them would pretend to use the litter box (while someone was watching) so they'd get a reward.
my bullmastiff is a search and rescue dog as well as trained security dog but she is scared of balloons and umbrellas. kinda funny seeing a 120 pound mastiff thats a trained security that isnt scared off gun shots run like a baby from a balloon.
My parrot does three strange things:
1. It likes to dance while the radio is on.
2. It is mad about green, yellow and red fruits and vegetables and he's also mad about bread slices.
3. It helps me eating the vegetables when I don't eat them.
I have a ferret who's obsessed with my wireless computer mouse and steals it if I leave it on my desk unattended while he's out. As I work from my home this has made work difficult at times ;)
My dog can lock herself into rooms. Lol and she reads my mind when i am upset she is too
if our cat is doing something naughty and i tell her "no" she meows then runs up and hits me on the back of my leg
My dog will not go near any mirrors or anything that he can see his reflection in, because he is scared to death of his reflection because he thinks it is another animal!!
my boxer opens the door for himself,pity hes not learned to close it:)