Monday, November 30, 2009

Whats your pet name/nick-names for your pets?

MY dogs called Zak. But his pet names are Zackerel, puppy, Scruff-rat,Squeaky dog and Muppet

Whats your pet name/nick-names for your pets?-Myspace pets

Oh, man, my dog has tons of nicknames. We call him "mister", "Jester-face", "Jester-pants" (I dunno why because he doesn't wear pants), "Poochie-face", "Poo", "Poochie con carne" (when the vet said he was fat), "animal"....and he answers to them all! =)

Whats your pet name/nick-names for your pets?


Depending on their moods and what kind of trouble they're in:

My cat Avery is also Mush-Face, Fuzzy, or Turdball. (bad kitty)

My other cat Vern is FatBoy, Dingbat, or Sh ithead.

Bonnie the cat is often Bunnie, Bear, Bon-Bon, or Bonniekins

(she's never in trouble)

Ruby the cat is Rubes, Squeaky, and Puddin'

(where does this come from?)

Kaya the dog will also answer to Mutt, Mangy Mutt, Hey Dog, and Out???

LOL--- I'm looking this over and I sound like a HORRIBLE person! I adore these spoiled rotten barfing barking scratching shedding annoying animals. Why else would I have so many?!?

Whats your pet name/nick-names for your pets?

-(Myspace code

I got a dog named Ty his nicknames are fufe fufe, tyrone, tyra, tyrell, Mr. Ty, papas and another dog named Dakota and sometimes call him Kota :)
My dog is a English springer spaniel his name is Buster Brown
I have a male rat terrier named Bruno and we also call him " Brun' master P. body 'cause he pees all over his own body.!! LOL. My family is kind of weird. LOL.

I also have a female rat terrier named Lailah. I like to call her Momma girl, Mommy, and mom. (I started say those last two after she had a litter of pups.

My family has had cats named Pork, and Gussy Gusturson.

I love the nicknames!
My rats name is Kayla and I call her princess or brat. Depends on what she's doing.
My cats name is Mocha and her nicknames are Mochie Bear, Mocha Jean, Chicken. My other cats name is Reno and his nickname is Reno Beno or Reenie.
Roxy - Muttly, Knucklehead (both by my dad, I just call her Roxy)

Patches - Momma, Witch with a "B" (the second is from my mom)

Julie - Julie Bean

Precious - BooBoo (by my mom)

Tiger - doesn't have a nickname

Samantha - Tubby, Butterball

Buddy - doesn't have a nickname

Jasper - doesn't have a nickname

Lily - doesn't have a nickname

Dodger - Bad boy, Dodgy Bodgy, Baby boy (he's my baby)

Zoey - Skinny Minnie, the Little B*tch

Sammy - Good boy, Papa Bear

Chloe - Pudge, Butterball, Porker, Chloe Boey, the Terrorist (first three by my mom, the last one by my dad)

Cooper - Pooper Cooper, Little Devil
My Cocker Spaniel name is Reno his nicknames are Mi-nino, Dino, Nino

My Morris Cat name is Speed his nicknames are Speedy, and Moo-Moo

My bf's Ferret's name is Capone, we call him Caponie, C-Money, Mal-cre-ow, NiRay

My Bf's name is Gilligan...I call let me stop
My dog Dude (cool dude) nickname is dudemeister by daughter or little kids in the neighbourhood call him Doodie.

Ruby my hamster is nicked named Ruby Doo

Finches as Pets?

I was in the pet store last week and saw the cutest finches in there? I was wandering if they were a good type of bird to keep as a pet. I used to have a cocktiel but its been a long time since I owned a bird....Any advice or suggestions?

Finches as Pets?-Myspace pets

You should ask yourself what r u expecting from a petbird?

if you want to play with the bird or have time together for getting a tamed bird ,finches r not that sort of pets. But they r quite little delights for your life,you keep them,they bring you joy with their vivacious movings and fun as you watch them.

you can also breed them easily. They dont need much time for daily care also.

Finches as Pets?


hi yes i had a finch that i hand fed i just wish i could find one again it used to fly and sit on my grandson head it was so cute hope i was able to help

Finches as Pets?

-(Myspace code

We had two finches once, a boy and a girl. About Every 2-3 days there were new eggs in the cage! and the mother wastnt keeping them warm so we had to throw the eggs out! And the birds kept chirping alllllll..... the time. No I don't think that they are good pets.
No, they are cute, but personally aren't very good pets. They chirp a lot and fly around. You can't really enjoy having them.
I ahve 8 finches and I love them, they do sing/ chirp a lot but its kinda nice. They are wasy to take care of and my 2 year old will sit in front of the cage for like an hour. They really are more of a watching bird and not really hand tameable.
Finches make a great pet if you only want to watch them. I have 4 but a parrot like a tiel, lovebird, parrotlet ect are better if you want interaction. I take my tiels out everyday and they love it. Just research all kinds of birds to see what is right for you. Finches are fun to watch.
i started with 2 now have 9 i like them alot but they stink i put them outside in summer and open the cage they fly around all day coming back and forth for food and water and at night. havent lost one yet

Do I need to find new homes for my pets before the baby arrives?

I am just getting into the 8th month of my pregnancy and my husband and I are in the process of getting our apartment baby-ready. I've hired someone to steam clean all the carpets and I've been scrubbing everything within an inch of its life, but I have a growing concern over our pets. I have had a fully grown adult male green iguana for over 4 years now, and my husband has a hatchling iguana. We've built an enormous glass and wood enclosure for them, complete with palm trees, water misters and areas to climb. Obviously they wouldn't be near the baby and we wouldn't think of handling them while the baby is around, but I still just wonder if its better to just give them to someone else... The baby comes first and if there's any risk at all I won't take the chance, heartbreaking as it would be to part with them. Anyone have some advice? My research hasn't given me a clear answer at all.

Do I need to find new homes for my pets before the baby arrives?-Myspace pets

My parents "adopted" my iguana 10 years ago when I couldn't take him to my new home.

I can't see where they will pose ANY harm to the baby. Just wash your hands after feeding and handling the iguanas. It's not like you have them running free where baby is at risk from their tails and you know they wont bite normally.

Okay...just a thought. At 8 months pregnant I went nuts trying to clean and prepare for baby. We were moving at the time which made it seem even more chaotic. It is normal to want to nest and right now getting rid of pets to prepare for numero uno sounds right.

Please think twice? Iguanas are great...and when your child is my childs age (6 months) he/she will LOVE to watch them!


oh girl, I was scrubbing baseboards...and I was freaking! That being said...keep your "babies"

I may be partial because I love iguanas but it sounds like you do too! There is that whole salmonela link...but just wash your hands and use the hand sanitizer after handling or cleaning their cage.

Do I need to find new homes for my pets before the baby arrives?

-(! good choice. Report It

Do I need to find new homes for my pets before the baby arrives?

-(Myspace code

I consider my two cats part of my family and wouldn't consider giving them away because I am adding to the family.
cats and dogs are alot more dirty then your pet. i would not worry about them.
We have 2 dogs,a cat and a turtle! I am 37 weeks and would never even think about getting rid of any of them, they are all part of our family! Everyone will just have to adjust!
We have a cat and a dog and are keeping both.

Why would you need to get rid of the iguanas? They are in a glass enclosure and like you said, you wouldn't handle them with the baby around. You can have pets and have a baby at the same time.
I would think you can and should keep them so long as like you said, you keep them securely away from the baby. Have you started interviewing pediatricians yet? I would ask the pediatrician that you choose what his opinion is.
i could never give my cats up because of my baby!!! they are a part of my family. your lizards ;-) will be fine in their cages!!!!
Nah, don't get rid of them. You have been responsible enough to know the "risks" and what not. As long as you wash your hands everytime you mess with the iguanas you should be fine. You have them pinned up nicely and once the baby gets older it will be fun to introduce the baby to the iguanas. At least you are being responsible as a parent and are asking questions, even though you are probably the "guru" on the question. Trust your instincts!
I think your being very responsible and mature about this, but I don't think there is any need to get rid of your pets. I think it will only stress you out more, they can be a comfort to you, and you will need that. trust me
Why would you give them away, your baby is not going to be in contact with the animals. If you see it a problem when she arrives than yes I would give them away.

Call the pet store they will know if it's not a good idea to have your animals when your baby comes.

I changed my advise GET RID OF THEM!!!
No, don't get rid of them. It isn't necessary! Just make sure to wash your hands before touching the iguanas and after touching them; don't let the baby near the lizards or anything having to do with the lizards. I think you're being slightly paranoid, no offense! :-) Your baby will be fine and your lizards will be fine! Just think how much your child will enjoy watching the iguanas when he/she gets bigger! Congratulations!
Oh, man, what a question. It is true that reptiles can carry diseases. But they are all diseases that are transmitted by touch. So as long as you wash your hands immediately after handling the iguanas, and they are not likely to escape and wind up in the crib, I wouldn't worry about it at all. ;)

So, my advice is to keep all your babies. Just keep them apart for now.
If your baby isn't going to be handling them, then keep them. AFAIK, the only reptile that poses a risk is a turtle (people can contract salmonella from their shells). However, if you and your husband thoroughly wash your hands with soap/water after handling your iguanas, and don't let your baby play with them, you should be perfectly safe.

Honestly, I'd be more concerned with cleaning products these days than with pets. There are a heckuva lot more harmful chemicals in those than anything that a household pet would carry.
iguanas dont carry diseases, vet check to make sure their healthy and they should be good to go..
Hmmm, that's a tough one. I would not see why you should have to get rid of them. As long as you keep them and their area clean and away from the baby you shouldn't have any problems. I am certainly not an expert in iguana's or anything so I really don't know. Maybe try calling your local vet office or a pet store and see if they have any suggestions. Do iguanas carry any diseases? Can they get sick? I would think that as long as you keep them healthy and clean you shouldn't have a problem. Maybe even ask your doctor what they would do. Good Luck!!
We have a dog and a trantula and fish, we wouldn't give them away just because a baby is coming.
They are fine. My friends with iguanas just keep some hand sanitizer nearby and use it scrupulously every time they handle or feed or clean the environment.

Watching them will even amuse the baby when he is a little older. And iguanas are vegetarian right? Its not like they'll eat your baby;-)
I would say to anchor the play center so he/she can't pull it down when baby becomes toddler. Also, iguanas carry salmonella, and it is a very bad idea for babies and toddlers to handle them. If you don't plan to handle them around the baby, as long as the aquarium and all equipment is secure, I don't see anything wrong with having them. Just wash your hands a lot!
Don't give them away. Baby comes first, but as long as you're not handling the iguanas and then baby then everything should be fine. When baby gets older don't let him/her touch it, they can get sick. Wash your hands thoroughly. Dogs and especially cats that use a litter box is way dirtier than your pets!
You may know that reptile can spread Salmonella to humans. You may want to check out this website;

Congratulations on your impending arrival! Best of luck.
With proper sanitation, you have nothing to worry about. If you try to raise your baby in a sterile bubble you're just setting him up for asthma, IBD, and food allergies later in life.
I think if you decided to get the animals you should be responsible and not give them up. I can see if they posed some serious threat to the baby but I don't think iguanas harm people (I don't know much about them though) but it sounds like you have a great home for them and I am sure they love it and would hate to be removed from their wonderful home. I have 3 cats and an 11 week old baby, I would never give my cats away, just my opinion (and believe me I was worried about them bringing in fleas and ticks, worms, etc). The best person to talk to is your vet (I assume you have a vet for them) they can give you advice on the pets and a newborn, I talked to my vet about my cats when I was first bringing the baby home and if there was any advice they could give me or anything I should be careful of or aware of. If you don't have a vet then try to find one with experience with iguanas and call them up. The cats have been great and I could not imagine life without them! As someone else said you don't want a completely sterile environment anyway Just wash your hands if you handle them.
Your pets are enclosed- no harm in keeping them

I have two cats and there is and will always be cat hair all over everything, but at no point in time would i consider giving them up.... unless you have a rabies infested posum at home you can keep your pet.
I dont think it would should be a problem... im not too familiar with iguanas and things but im guessing they dont get as much attention as a dog or cat would... my sister has just had a baby last week and their cat used to get all the attention, now he is used to not getting all the attention but he kept urinating on their bed where they had had the baby the first few nights. At first it wasnt very fair on the cat as everyone was giving the baby attention and forgetting about him but now things have settled down everythings fine.

Do whats best for your baby and for your iguanna x
Congrats on the new baby!! Keep your pets, too. It sounds as if you are smart, caring and going to be great parents. I agree the kids come first but I think you have solved the problems and can have both successfully.

Good luck and enjoy!
Iguana's can carry salmonella......

That's the only risk. All you need to do is wash your hands. I have a 10 day old, and know what you're worrying about.

But honestly, keep the adorable little Iggies... they're great pets. All you gotta do is wash your hands after handling them. Same as any pet really. Good luck!
i would give them away... better safe than sorry.

I plan to buy vaccines from drs foster and smith and give them to my pets. when i called my vet to f

what combo's i needed to buy the vet said that i should know that "those" vaccines are outdated or come from different countries and may not be safe. i cannot find proof of that on the internet. maybe i just am not searching the right way?? is my vet saying that just because they want my money?? has anyone else heard of this?? does anyone know where i can find evidence that this is true?? i definitely don't want to endager my pets!!

i called twice and the first time i was asking about my own pets and the tech never said anything about them being dangerous. she gave me the combo my pets needed and that was that. the second call i made was for my moms dog and the tech went on about how dangerous it could be. why would one say nothing and the other go on and on about it not being safe?? they were from the same vets.


I plan to buy vaccines from drs foster and smith and give them to my pets. when i called my vet to find out?-Myspace pets

First of all, relax.

Drs Foster and Smith have been around a long time. They try to make sure their products are completely safe before offering them up for purchase.

There is no guarantee on the safety of any vaccine from anywhere! You or I or your pet could have an allergic reaction to any bad batch of vaccines, whether it is produced in the US or not. Even US companies have bad batches of vaccines that are not 100% safe.

Drs. Foster and Smith do offer money back guarantees on their products, something regular vetrinarians never do. They also, I believe, offer some sort of insurance or settlement in the event your pet dies from a vaccine purchased through their services., another thing vets don't always do.

I say switch to another vetrinarian who allows you to purchase meds through Drs. Foster and Smith or Both are fairly reliable sources who have money-back guarantees on all the products they sell. They will also alert you with warnings on recalls or possible bad batches. (It's part of what they do.)

I plan to buy vaccines from drs foster and smith and give them to my pets. when i called my vet to find out?


I would say there are out of country online services for this but Drs Foster and smith is fine!!!

I plan to buy vaccines from drs foster and smith and give them to my pets. when i called my vet to find out?

-(Myspace code

There are definitely issues with online sites selling expired, or bootleg versions of pet medications. For instance, there are tons of online places that sell Frontline flea med. that looks like the same real stuff, but the animal picture on the box is different than the real deal. This happens all the time and then you may end up back at the vet when meds you've purchased do not work or have a harmful effect. Only medicine you buy at the vet can be guaranteed to have come from the actual pharmaceutical company that makes the medicine.
Drs Foster and Smith are actual vets.

You will find that MANY clinics and vets will not want you to administer shots yourself. In fact if you do not have experience it is not a good idea. However purchasing products from Drs Foster and Smith is just as safe as from your own local vet.

Where to look for motels in va, that take pets?

am traveling to tennesee, need to find out whitch ,if any, motels will let pets stay too

Where to look for motels in va, that take pets?-Myspace pets


Doubletree Hotel

990 Hilton Heights

Charlottesville, VA

Map | Photos | Check Rates

The Doubletree Charlottesville is nestled on a wooded knoll overlooking the Rivanna River in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Our award-winning, resort-style hotel is less than ten minutes from Charlottesville/Albemarle Regional Airport, with easy access to Richmond, Roanoke, and Washington D.C. Pets less than 30 lbs. are welcome for a $25 fee.


Garden and Sea Inn

4188 Nelson Rd.

New Church, VA (800)824.0672

Rooms/Rates | Photos | Contact

Escape to the Garden and Sea Inn for an elegant, yet casual respite at a romantic Victorian Bed and Breakfast near Chincoteague Island. We feature large, upscale rooms with private baths, most with whirlpool tub/shower, TV and refrigerator. A heated outdoor pool area is open May through October. Quiet pets are allowed and must be on a leash when outside - no fees.


Allstar Lodging

21 Wallace Ave.

New Church, VA (866)780.7827

Cabins | Reservations | Contact

Enjoy staying in a rustic rental cabin or cottage nestled in the forest, or relax in a warm soothing hot tub that many of our private cabins and cottages have to offer. From hot tubs %26amp; fireplaces to fully equipped kitchens you are guaranteed to have a vacation opportunity that you won't soon forget. Pets are welcome for only $10 per pet per night.

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Where to look for motels in va, that take pets?


Try searching for hotels via one of the online services like Orbitz or Travelocity. You can search for hotels that allow pets. also most hotels have at least a few pet friendly rooms and you can always call there front desk to ask. usually you will have to pay a little more but from my experience when I worked as a hotel maid- the pet friendly rooms get deep cleaned more often and better! have fun on your trip.

Where to look for motels in va, that take pets?

-(Myspace code

Im from Chesapeake Va, dont tell the hotel you have a dog, sneak him in and do your best to keep him normally wont say anything if you can keep your dog well behaved.
go to PETSWELCOME.COM and PETCO, they will take dogs for a while.
Many Days Inns, Super Eights, and Red Roof's will take pets.
Check out Awesome website with reviews from people who have experienced it. become a member, it is actually fun
if there is a motel 6 in va they usually take pets..

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?

Would you get rid of your pet to be able to move into an apt.? I am having a problem. i have two cats and am trying to find a place for myself but all the places i can afford do not accept pets. What would you do?

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?-Myspace pets

stay put

or sneak em in

best of wishes to ya.!

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?


No, I wouldn't

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?

-(Myspace code

No I wouldn't. I love my pets dearly enough not to do that to them.
i could not do it. unless you can give them to your parents.

that is the only way i could do at least keep the cats in the family. but its lonely without a pet.
If I knew they had a good home, I might.
only way l would do that is if they were with a family member or friend that would love them and take care of them like l do. l could never give them to the SPCA.
I wouldn't be separated from my pets for the world. Some humane societies or SPCAs have a link on their sights that will point you to apartment complexes that allow pets. Some sites like will allow you to search with certain criteria like pet friendly and within a certain price range. They are hard to find, but affordable rentals that are pet friendly are out there. Good luck!
If I had to I would make sure the pets were left in the best possible hands.
Keep looking! Pets are life-long responsibilities and should not be "discarded" when they become inconvenient.
I'd shoot the pets

Does anyone know how to find a hotel that accepts pets over 50lbs?

I have a bull terrier that doesn't get along with other pets so i have to bring him with me to a hotel for 2 days

Does anyone know how to find a hotel that accepts pets over 50lbs?-Myspace pets is a pet friendly data base.

Does anyone know how to find a hotel that accepts pets over 50lbs?


Motel 6. We took our St. Bernard and stayed for one month.

Does anyone know how to find a hotel that accepts pets over 50lbs?

-(Myspace code

try this.
All Fairmont hotels now accept pets
Try searching Expedia and by using the "hotel amenities" tab you can narrow down your search to select hotels that allow pets. Some hotels that I know for sure are Loews, Candlewood Suites, and LaQuinta.
all you do is look for the we welcome pet signs
lots of hotels do for a deposit. i drug my lab mastif mix from colo to north carolina, and had no trouble finding rooms except in arkansas which worked out ok anywa cause we found a room there at a mom and pop place that made us give them 25$ and checked the room in the morning, and gave us our deposit back. it was like the 5th one we went to tho.
Get AAA. They have booklets and hotel directories that show all pet friendly hotels. You'll probably have to contact a pet friendly hotel and ask if they take large dogs. I actually was able to succesfully sneak in my boxer. They never even knew he was there, but I wouldn't recommend it. Its stressful trying to not get caught.

Guys is dere any cheats for psp for sims pets?

for psp

the sims 2 pets

Guys is dere any cheats for psp for sims pets?-Myspace pets

Triangle, up, left, down, right $10,000

Up, Left, Down, Right, R1 Advance time 6 hours

L, L, R, X, X, Up Cheat Statue

Triangle, Circle, X, Square, L1, R1 Give sim pet points" option on cheat gnome

Guys is dere any cheats for psp for sims pets?


and everything the guy above says. because this link only has hints.

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?

Would you get rid of your pet to be able to move into an apt.? I am having a problem. i have two cats and am trying to find a place for myself but all the places i can afford do not accept pets. What would you do?

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?-Myspace pets

stay put

or sneak em in

best of wishes to ya.!

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?


No, I wouldn't

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?

-(Myspace code

No I wouldn't. I love my pets dearly enough not to do that to them.
i could not do it. unless you can give them to your parents.

that is the only way i could do at least keep the cats in the family. but its lonely without a pet.
If I knew they had a good home, I might.
only way l would do that is if they were with a family member or friend that would love them and take care of them like l do. l could never give them to the SPCA.
I wouldn't be separated from my pets for the world. Some humane societies or SPCAs have a link on their sights that will point you to apartment complexes that allow pets. Some sites like will allow you to search with certain criteria like pet friendly and within a certain price range. They are hard to find, but affordable rentals that are pet friendly are out there. Good luck!
If I had to I would make sure the pets were left in the best possible hands.
Keep looking! Pets are life-long responsibilities and should not be "discarded" when they become inconvenient.
I'd shoot the pets

Are there any known cheats for the Sims 2: Pets for PSP?

I have the Sims 2: Pets for PSP and I would like any available and reliable cheats you may have.

Are there any known cheats for the Sims 2: Pets for PSP?-Myspace pets

Try going to It has lots of game hints and cheats and it has helped me with a bunch of games. Good luck! Hope I helped!

Are there any known cheats for the Sims 2: Pets for PSP?


Go to It is the best site for game cheats.

Are there any known cheats for the Sims 2: Pets for PSP?

-(Myspace code

you could go to or

Does someone have a money cheat in Sims 2 pets Gamecube?

I ran out of money in Sims 2 pets so I was wondering how to make money or if there was a cheat for it.

Does someone have a money cheat in Sims 2 pets Gamecube?-Myspace pets

R, L, Z, Right and Left

Does someone have a money cheat in Sims 2 pets Gamecube?

-( no, it's L, (then on the arrowpad) up, right, down, left, then R Report It

What can I do with my The Sims 2 (Pets) ?

I want to install my sims 2 pets but , it needs CD key (code) and there isn't any in my CD . What can I do?

What can I do with my The Sims 2 (Pets) ?-Myspace pets

Its on the case somewhere usally by the bar code try different numbers on the back and it should work. That how I installed Sims.

What can I do with my The Sims 2 (Pets) ?


FOUND IT! The CD Key is on the Top of the Back of the game booklet. This applies to all the expansions as well as the game itself. Have fun.

Old Message:

If you legally purchased Sims 2: Pets, then the Activation code should be either in the box ( On a small card-like piece of paper attached to the inside of the box) or it will be printed on the CD (or DVD) itself. The sad part is that I just looked at my OWN box, and i can't find one anymore... Weird... Here, I found a site that I think should help:

Good luck.

Do you think there is something cruel about keeping pets?

I have always found something a bit cruel about keeping pets. They are animals, meant to be free to wander around and enjoy their simple lives but then we keep them captive for our amusement or to satisfy our own needs.

Take farm animals; you are keeping them to kill them and eat them. fine. ( you can bring in vegetarian arguments but thats just the way it is)

Now cats, dogs, rabbits etc. In MOST settings they are kept in a confined space. and they are made to act in ways which are not quite natural for the amusement of their owners.

A bird IN A CAGE???

A fish IN A BOWL instead of the whole ocean? I know they cant remember more than 3 seconds or whatever but that is not the point.

A rabbit in a CAGE?


Do you think there is something cruel about keeping pets?-Myspace pets

It's a good question. As owner of cats and a dog, I think most pet owners think they are providing a better environment than if the animal were on its own, and these animals do enjoy human interaction. As for birds, they probably would prefer to be in the "wild;" fish, I'm not too sure they think about it very much! Overall, pets provide and are given love, and you can't have too much of that in the world. (Irresponsible, ignorant pet owners are a while other issue.)

Do you think there is something cruel about keeping pets?


I agree with some of what you say, as did the poet William Blake.

I don't like the idea of birds in cages or fish in bowls. I saw the sad sight a few weeks ago of dead fish in an aquarium where someone had neglected the air conditioning system. I was put off the idea of mammals in cages when I walked past a pet shop on the banks of the Seine in Paris during fierce summer heat and saw a huge variety of animals crammed into cages without shelter or water, including a swan and a number of white rats, some of which were eating a hapless victim alive.

On the other hand, where we live there are many feral cats and dogs and they have a wretched existence. I have memories of a dog slowly dying in the road, having been struck by a car, and of a cat which had been stoned to death by children in a school playground. I think that being someone's pet is probably considerably less stressful for some creatures, anyway, than being allowed to roam in the wild.

Do you think there is something cruel about keeping pets?

-(Myspace code

I didn't choose my pets. They chose me.

Are there any viruses or bacteria both humans and pets can catch?

OK, so I'm just getting over a bout with strep throat and I've noticed that at times the past several days my cat's meow has sounded a bit muted. Can cats and dogs and other pets catch any viruses or bacteria that make humans sick, or has my cat just been mocking me?

Are there any viruses or bacteria both humans and pets can catch?-Myspace pets

I dont think you gave your cat strep throat.

Rabies, toxoplasmosis, brucellosis, salmonellosis, Yersinia, shigellosis, anthrax, and tuberculosis are all diseases that can be passed from human to animal.

For a complete list and symptoms check out this web site

Are there any viruses or bacteria both humans and pets can catch?


The first poster was correct. The bacteria responsible for strep throat is strictly a human pathogen. Just google "Zoonosis" for a large list of other organisms, including parasites that can be transmitted between humans and animals.

Are there any viruses or bacteria both humans and pets can catch?

-(Myspace code

I am not sure about cats but I do know that ferrets can get the flu so who knows maybe your poor cat did have a bad throat just like you .

What are the laws in nh re getting rid of your tenants pets if you only have a verbal agreement?

We had a 6 month lease with our tenants. It ran out. We never made up a new one. During this time they asked if they could get a cat. We said the long as we dont smell anything etc. We agreed to another cat and a dog with the same stipulations. Now we are going back to a written rental agreement, with their consent, but we would like to have no pets due to the odor that eminates from their apt. We also live in the same house in the downstairs apt. Also, their dog continually barks. Can we specify no pets in the new lease as long as we give them ample time to find a new home for them.?

What are the laws in nh re getting rid of your tenants pets if you only have a verbal agreement?-Myspace pets

Well as an devoted animal lover I would say don't kick them out, HOWEVER! If there is an odor and the dog barking all the time, I think they are not responsible pet owners and yes you can draw up a new lease and give them 30 days to sign it without the pets, (which I doubt will happen), or move. Remind them that you said in your verbal agreement as long as you didn't smell them, which you do and the dog is barking all the time. OR if you want to continued with the same renters and can take the odor and barking, you can always raise the rent for your inconvenience or ask for more of a deposit? for the possible clean up you'll have when they move out. You would never know I have 2 cats. Good luck.

What are the laws in nh re getting rid of your tenants pets if you only have a verbal agreement?


You can't do that, unless the tenants are gone for sure, and have no intention of returning for the pets. Or unless the tenants are dead. You can speficy no pets, but you wont get as many interested people. Besides, not all people who have pets, have dogs. But if barking is your concern, you can specify no dogs, and allow other kinds of pets. Or you can require that the dogs be house broken and quiet, unless there's an intruder.

What's the strangest, funniest, or smartest thing your pets do?

My cat sucks on my t-shirts which always weirds me out. My dog is pretty smart and learned how to turn doorknobs all on her own.

What unique things can your pets do?

What's the strangest, funniest, or smartest thing your pets do?-Myspace pets

Well, animals have the weirdest sences to know what is wrong. My Dogs especally. My 4 year old beagle has a ruitine every night, She makes the rounds around the house and visits everyone, She tucks them in to bed. Late at night she will go around again and check that everyone is breathing.

My Red Bone is an expert at making people feel better. She can sence when someone is sad or hurt. She is the first one on the sceen. She will cuddle when you are sad, go get help if you are hurt, and stand guard if you are scare. She is an amazing dog.

Finally my brid Cassie, She is a monk parrott. She used to have a huge vocabularly, but she lost that as my youngest sister got older and took most of the attention. Well I will still take her out and play with her. She will only talk now if she thinks no one is listening. Well I had her out one day and I was laying on my bed talking to her and fell asleep. I woke up to someone saying kiss, kiss, and I feel a little bird beak on my lips. It was her talking. I was so proud of her. She had been quiet for so long, and then she woke me up with a kiss.

All of my animals are sweet and smart in their own ways.

What's the strangest, funniest, or smartest thing your pets do?


My cat plays fetch o_O

What's the strangest, funniest, or smartest thing your pets do?

-(Myspace code

My Lovbird attacks me but she loves me a lot and she makes this farting noise when she sees me with an other bird indicating she is jealous, i think.
My oldest rat follows me around EVERYWHERE, but that's standard for a rat that's well taken care of. =)

My cat turns knobs and pries doors open. We had to childproof the doors. %26gt;.%26lt;
i throw away my tortoise at the river ,then 3 days later,i found my tortoise in front of my house wanted to get in from the gate but its too big,so i suprised how the tortoise can know how to comeback which the place i dump it is quite far,its about 3km? so i prefer to care it till now with me for 11 tortoise
I have a 13lb. tuxedo cat that likes to suck on fuzzy blankets. My other cat doesn't do that. Also, my calico-tabby mix likes to get wet when I'm in the shower. She stands there next to the tub and meows til I get her wet. She also likes to play fetch. My dog, she just likes to play with her toys and be silly. My sister has a male pug that likes to go to the park and swing in the baby swing.
my cat likes to lick plastic sacks and magazines,and likes my husbands ear wax
I taught my Boxer to poop in a plastic bag so her poop would never hit the ground so i didn't have to run my fingers through it as i was cleaning it off the ground.

My Cavalier King Charles Spaniel goes down the slide at the playground. She has been performing this trick since she was 10 weeks old. She is 2 years old now. She has learned to run up the stairs, run over to the slide and go down it all off leash. She will even go down the slide i tell her to go down as there are 2 slides at the top of the stairs. One on the right and one on the left. All i do is stand at the bottom of the slide to catch her when she comes down.

I once had a Lab/Shepherd mix that learned how to open the front door but turning the knob. I couldn't figure out how she was getting in the house when I'd put her outside to go to the bathroom. I watched her and she would actually jump up on the door and turn the knob with her paws. I eventually had to lock the door so she couldn't get in. It was the funniest thing to watch.

I also had a cat that thought she was a dog. Whenever we'd take our dogs for a walk she would always follow us. When we'd visit any of our surrounding neighbors she would follow us and sit at there front door waiting patiently for us to come out then she'd follow us home.

Another dog i had, an american Bulldog loved popping balloons. I would hide them all over the yard and he would sniff them out and pop every single one of them. He loved that game. Or i'd also tie a balloon to a tree branch and he'd jump up to pop it.
One of mine figured out how to open our doors, and we have these weird metal knobs-not really knobs, like a latch that you use your thumb to push down to open the door(I hate them lol). It's actually pretty hard to do, and one dog figured it out, and lets them all escape into the house when they're soaking wet or full of mud.

One lifts up the toilet lid when he's thirsty, not really too unusual. And not really strange, smart or funny, but the one when she has gas, clears out the whole room-including herself...And the other, when he has gas, he lets out a little "puff" sound...and he always sticks his nose right to his hiney, like he's trying to figure out what it was, like expecting something to pop's funny to watch, but really gross lol.
We have hardwood floors and my goldens lay down really funny-they sit and then slide down on their front legs to the floor. I didn't think it was odd until people pointed it out. Apparently most dogs don't do that! lol! They also snore like the three stooges, that "me me me me me" snore! Crazy girls..
One of our mice is *terrified* of humans although we've had her for well over a year. We've tried making friends by offering her treats %26amp; she eventually worked up the nerve to quickly take food from my fingers-- but she squeezes her eyes closed before coming near me as if she either can't stand the sight of the giant hand or else she thinks that if she can't see me, I can't see her either.

Several of our rats take treats from us, run off to hide the treat, then return eagerly for more. Our hairless rat will run on her wheel until she works it loose %26amp; when it falls she comes %26amp; looks @ me b/c she knows I'll fix it for her. She doesn't just run on the wheel-- she hops, dances %26amp; leaps too.

As I'm typing this, I'm using 1 hand to play fetch with our kitten. 2 of our older cats used to play fetch also, but don't do it so often these days. Our oldest cat not only grunts %26amp; snort, he taught another of our cats to grunt %26amp; snort!

Probably the weirdest is our fish-- 3 of them make noise when they eat.

We used to have a cat %26amp; a ferret who would "lie" to use-- both of them would pretend to use the litter box (while someone was watching) so they'd get a reward.
my bullmastiff is a search and rescue dog as well as trained security dog but she is scared of balloons and umbrellas. kinda funny seeing a 120 pound mastiff thats a trained security that isnt scared off gun shots run like a baby from a balloon.
My parrot does three strange things:

1. It likes to dance while the radio is on.

2. It is mad about green, yellow and red fruits and vegetables and he's also mad about bread slices.

3. It helps me eating the vegetables when I don't eat them.
I have a ferret who's obsessed with my wireless computer mouse and steals it if I leave it on my desk unattended while he's out. As I work from my home this has made work difficult at times ;)
My dog can lock herself into rooms. Lol and she reads my mind when i am upset she is too
if our cat is doing something naughty and i tell her "no" she meows then runs up and hits me on the back of my leg
My dog will not go near any mirrors or anything that he can see his reflection in, because he is scared to death of his reflection because he thinks it is another animal!!
my boxer opens the door for himself,pity hes not learned to close it:)

What's a good career to be in involving pets or animals?

I know there's the Vet career but i was wondering what else I could do out there. There has to be more options that being a vet. And since i'm still a freshman in college, i'd really like feedbacks with serious answers. I love pets, or animals in general and I would really love to just work with them. Whether its to study up close, or take care of them, or traveling the world or absolutely anything. I'm really open to ideas.


What's a good career to be in involving pets or animals?-Myspace pets

Vet, Vet Tech, Research Technician, Trainer, Teaching, Extension Agent (large/food animal), Farm Manager, Zoo caretaker, Wildlife biologist..........

What's a good career to be in involving pets or animals?


What classes in college do you find interesting? There are ways to combine subjects, like architecture and zoology into designing animal habitats. I do not recommend grooming as it poses several health issues.

What's a good career to be in involving pets or animals?

-(Myspace code

You could be a dog trainer, or have a therapy dog or a zoo keeper, or work with dolphins at aquariums or places like Sea world. That's all I can think of. There's lot of information on web usually.
This website is the best!

It has everything you need to now about any type of job. You can take a survey and it will tell you whats the best job for your personality.

What are Shih Tzu dogs like to keep as pets?

what are shih tzu's like to keep as pets and (or) other small breeds like them like shih poo's

What are Shih Tzu dogs like to keep as pets?-Myspace pets


The long-haired coat is accepted in any colour, including beige, black, and red, often with white.


A Shih Tzu requires a lot of grooming. Comb the coat thoroughly every day to prevent tangles. A hair band is essential to keep the hair out of the eyes. Because the eyes are a sensitive spot for these dogs, you need to make sure they are kept clean. Use the special eye drops prepared for this purpose. Clean the ear passages regularly too. If you do not have the time to keep the coat in good condition, you will need to take the dog about every two months to be clipped, which will spare the dog a lot of misery.


These are intelligent, lovable, affectionate, cheerful, and sociable dogs that are also independent and not friends to all. The Shih Tzu rarely barks.


If you approach this somewhat obstinate breed with plenty of patience and remain consistent at all times, it is possible to achieve a reasonable level of training.


Dogs of this breed usually get on well with other household animals and children. No matter what company they keep, they always behave with dignity.


The Shih Tzu is content with short walks, their exercise requirements are not large, they were bred to sit around the emporer's palace in China and bark when people or animals approached, not to chase game!


The Shih Tzu coat looks best when groomed daily, but if you are wanting a pet rather than show animal you may keep their fur clipped so less grooming is required. They do not tolerate the cold, so don;t clip them unless in a warm climate, and coat must long for show animals.

What are Shih Tzu dogs like to keep as pets?


My freind has one.Its good dog, clean.Very sweet and freindly.But you have to look after and shave every other months.Very clever

What are Shih Tzu dogs like to keep as pets?

-(Myspace code

pomeranian r cute,.der fluffy fur oh dey r sooooo cute:)
They are really gentle dogs~ perfect for any home with children and obedient!!!!

I would suggest you buy one!!!
small dogs at first will seem skidish. but as they grow older with you they are very good dogs. some will act like they are bigger than they are and become very protective of you and others will stay skidish. HOwever the smaller the dog the more attention they want. so make them feel loved at all times and spend as much time with them as possible. they will always be your best friend.
small and annoying
Shih tzu's are like any other small dog. They make fantastic pets if you are a good owner. Never make the dog your 'baby', treat it like a dog. Be calm and consistent and so will the dog be.

Treat it like a baby or confuse it with mixed signals and it will be afraid and confrontational, which manifests itself as the yapping and ankle biting which afflicts so many small dogs. That's not because they are bad pets, but because small dogs attract owners who 'mother' them.
They really are great dogs for pets. I happen to own 3 of them. They can be house trained pretty easily, and are great with children. I grew up with my older dog, and was great. They make very good lab dogs, for their small size. Personality wise, each one of my dogs has a different personality, so don't just assume a small dog is going to be quiet or too crazy. Some Shih Tzy's, howver, need combing often. If not done the hair will become all mated and tangled. My family just cuts their hair periodicly. All in all, I love these dogs, for their loving personality, and friendly nature.
How they act is usually dependent on how they are raised. Mine never "yipped" did all those other "token" little dog annoyances, primarily because when he did, he got in trouble. I loved having him, and he lived close to 19 years and I still miss him. Very snuggly doggie. :)
My Shih Tzu, Oscar, is lovable and lazy. He is happy to go for walks or just spend the day laying in the grass. He is NOT yappy at all. I spend a lot of time with him and he is very well behaved. He is very independent and yet very cuddly. He is devoted to our family. We rescued him when he was about 1 year old. If you are considering a dog please adopt from a pound or other rescue center. Good luck!
I have a Shih Tzu name Princess

I have her cut every six weeks

She does not bark a lot. She is very friendly, she is a fraid of nothing. She make funny cute sounds

We have a fence back yard, it took us a week to fix all the small spots she can get out.

I think Shih Tzu's are the prefect size, around 15 pounds

She is a happy little dog. She digs down.

I would get another Shih tzu

Like people, dogs are as different as night and day

The same parents, can have dogs totaly different. You need to remember this.
I love shih tzus they are the best sometimes they bark but they dont need to be taken on long walks and are fine home alone i have babysat 2 for 10 days love them but i have a boston terrier and they are fun they sleep a lot and are very ugly cute pugs are sweeties two but if you get one with a flat face make sure its not to flat because you dont want to have to get sugury so they can breath better.

How many people have dogs or cats? How many pets and petowners are there?

I was wondering if anyone had any source information on how many american households have dogs and/or cats; how many dog/cat pets are there in the US; how many people claim ownership of a dog or cat; or similar data?

How many people have dogs or cats? How many pets and petowners are there?-Myspace pets

Percent of households owning dogs-37.2%

Percent of households owning cats-32.4%

There is a list of all other pets as well.

How many people have dogs or cats? How many pets and petowners are there?


I've got 4 dogs, 4 cats, 3 chickens, 1 horse and a rabbit. Petfinder might have this information.

How many people have dogs or cats? How many pets and petowners are there?

-(Myspace code

Check the web and your local shelter. But there is no way to get an accurate count because some owners do not license or report their pets ! And there are countless feral pets colonies in the world.
right now i have 3 rabbits and im getting a dog in near future

just dont know what breed
Households with dog: 43,021,000

Households with cats: 37,460,000
I am not sure but I bet there are millions. You can include me in that number. I have both a house cat and a dog that lives inside with us also. I love them both. They are like my kids and very much part of our family.
I have 2 dogs and about 15 barn cats
I have two dogs and a rabbit

When will big business learn the most favord nation is killing our pets kids and us???

in order to keep from paying a good wage to our own workers.big business has sent to the most favored nation for cheep we see they are killing our pets food,kids with lead paint that they have haseled over for years and now with fish and other products for us to consume.thanks and pray you are not a victim of your own gread.steve

When will big business learn the most favord nation is killing our pets kids and us???-Myspace pets

they dont care

How to get rid of scorpions, when there's pets and kids?

I lived in Arizona, (of course) and almost everybody in our family has gotten stung by these little nuinces, including me. My lil brother has gotten stung about 4 times, my mother twice, my step dad once and me once. We also have dogs and cats, lazy cats I might add and a 3yr old litle girl.

I need to find the best way to get rid of scorpions w/ out affecting our pets and the baby.

Any suggestions please!

How to get rid of scorpions, when there's pets and kids?-Myspace pets

My wife sprays with Diazion(sp?) or Demon WP. She says she thinks you can't get Diazion (sp?) anymore due to the EPA, but she sprays that outside, and the Demon WP inside and out. The only kids we have here are her grandkids, ages 2 and 4, on occasion. We do have 4 big dogs in the back yard, and we've never suffered any ill effects from the wise spraying of either. God Bless you. Oh, and we live in Texas, the northeast corner, near Arkansas, and we use those sprays for scorpions which we get too frequently over here.

How to get rid of scorpions, when there's pets and kids?

-( wife says the only place she knows to get it here in this small East Texas town is in a private store called Horaney's. It's not a chain or anything. Just one store. Sorry. God Bless you. Report It

How to get rid of scorpions, when there's pets and kids?

-(Myspace code

Poisons ought to be used as a last resort, and not used on a continual basis. You may not be suffering any ill effects now, but it does effect you to a degree and can cause health problems. Also, when you use poisons, you're also harming the environment. Learn to live with nature, not fight it. Report It

Contact an exterminator. They will give you your best options.
There are a few key things that scorpions like that draws them into your house. It all revolves around their instinctual behavior.

1. scorpions like tight spaces, such as your doorway. If they can squeeze between your doorway and the door, they feel safe because they're surrounded. Then they may decide to come indoors when it turns dark (really this is just happenstance, there's a 50/50 chance that they'll crawl back outside as well). If you put weather stripping around your door to tighten up the possibility of them using your doorway as a hiding place that will help. This will also cut down on the number of other bugs that make it into your house, and these other bugs are what scorpions feed on, so that'll help prevent scorpions from following their prospective prey indoors.

2. Scorpions love climbing. I don't know if you've ever noticed, but you may have a fair number of scorpions in your attic. If you have recessed lighting this provides a convenient entrance for the scorpions to crawl through. I've even had one drop on my head (totally freaky let me tell you). To stop this from happening we created 16" x 16" boxes out of dry wall that encase the recessed lighting fixtures in the attic and sealed them up tight with the tape that's used with dry wall.

3. Another favorite hangout for scorpions is mulch. If your house is surrounded by hedges and gardens (as many houses are) that have mulch or leaves piled on the ground, scorpions love hiding in this stuff which means that immediately surrounding your house is a great scorpion habitat. The more scorpions that like living right next to your house means more scorpions inside. Try using gravel instead of mulch in these areas and you'll cut down on the number that hang out at your place.

What do you do if your child keeps wanting pets?

My kids want pets but I dont have any room for them otherwise I would any suggestions?

What do you do if your child keeps wanting pets?-Myspace pets

You can tell them to wait till you get a bigger place

What do you do if your child keeps wanting pets?


get them a small pet like a hampster

What do you do if your child keeps wanting pets?

-(Myspace code

goldfish, parakeets, hampsters, gerbils, snakes, tarantulas

there are lots of pets that stay in cages
Get small pets.Hamsters are cute.
Small pets are a hamster....make sure that your kids are old enough to take care of the animal themselves. You want them to learn responsibility.
You buy them a pet and make room, or you do not buy them a pet and do not make room.
get one of those fish that last like 2 days and then your kids wont want anymore fish lol
A small fish tank with some Hermit Crabs. Hamsters don't take up much space. I would call your local pet store and ask the same question. hey would know just the right pet.
I got my son a Beta fish. They can live in a small bowl, don't need a filter, air pump, ect. And they are only about $4. Plus, whenever one dies, they are easy to replace because they look alike.
Maybe try starting with just one.

Don't go out and adopt 100 cats and dogs! The more the pets, the more it'll cost you.
Everybody's allready suggested smaller pets but if live pets are out of the question try a robot! They have cool robot pets these days! Perhaps one of those gigapets or electronic pets you have to "feed" and all that to keep it alive. If they fail then they can't argue that they're not ready.
get a hamster! Cute,small,and low maintanance!
I don't know how old your kids are, but two suggestions. One, you as a family volunteer once or twice a month at your local shelter to walk, feed, groom pets. Two, if they are old enough they can start a business where they walk dogs for people who don't have time, feed them if they work odd shifts, etc. They get to bond with animals and learn responsibility.
you are the parent the answer is no!
You are the adult in the house. Tell them when they get their own home they can have as many as they want.
if your kid is under 10 dont get them any thing that takes a lot of time or care...i think a fish is a good 1'st pet just to see how responsabul your kid realy is with a pet =]
Hamsters and gerbils are very stinky, so if they aren't old enough for that responsibility, get them a betta fish, very easy to care for.
Maybe start small, like a Betta in a bowl or something. It is still a pet they will have to be responsible for, but doesn't take a lot of space. Beyond that, the requirements are too much for someone with a lack of space; IE hamsters, etc. Good luck!!
Do they already have pets? Then you are justified in saying no to any more. You have to set limits as a parent.

But if they do not have any pet, go for something that does not take up much room. Parakeets are interesting, colorful, and live in a cage. If you are lucky, you might even get it to talk (ask for a male at the pet shop--they talk more than females). Or let the kids have something else that lives in a cage. Guinea pigs have much more personality than, say, a hamster or gerbil.

Good luck!!
If you dont have room and dont want to be taking care of it then DONT get one.

If you have to give in parakeets ( i really dont like them ) dont take up alot of room and I dont think they live super long lives like a parrot that can live for 30 years.

Then they can help take care of it and food doesnt have to be given every day cause of dish, not too smelly etc.

But i know so many parents that give into getting a pet for the kids and then they are the ones stuck taking care of it,
You should buy him a bird. If you think that your house it's to small for a bird, you should take you kids to the zoo every day. Don't kill your kid's passion-dream...
My mother had the same problem with me. Just get one hamster. The cage doesn't take up too much room and they are really easy to take care of. Not to mention they live for 3 years, longer than a fish. They mostly just sleep, exercise on their wheel, and eat. But your kids can still play with them.
Get a nice baby poddle or some small dog , not a cha wa wa there naturally mean, hamsters and rats lizards and other caged animals are really not going to be to much of a nice thing for your children, trust me, your child wants a dog. Get them a dog , you'll find room. Depending on how old your childern are or child is of course up to you on how responsiable they are to take care of the animal regardless. I saw another response from someone who said it will teach them responsiabliaty, wrong answer , your using animals like scientist in a test lab. Either you help your child take care of there animal or not, they become one of the family and are to be treated that way until God tends for them to go to a better place. Point Blank. I'm 25 I asked my parents for a dog and finally a got one running across a mall parking lot, we owed that dog until just a few months ago then we had to let him go to a better place, he lived a good life. I love you Rudy if you can see this.
Get a Beta fish!!!!!!!! They rock and are pretty easy to take care of.
I was just like your kids, I always wanted a pet, especially a dog. Some pets you can get are hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, a ferret, bunnies, or a small bird. If you don't mind, get a small dog, like a chihuahua or a pomeranian. You can go to your local animal shelter and find great pets, including cats and bunnies.

Also, you can buy a tank full of fish. Saltwater fish are the most colorful so it can be amusing for your kids to look at. Just make them a promise that it is their own responsablility to take care of that pet you may get in the future. **** luck!
Get your kid a small minature schnauzer. schnauzers are protective, tough, loyal, and do not shed.
do YOU want a pet?? becuse if you dont then you shouldnt get a pet.. you can take your kids to the SPCA to volunteer, but explain to them you dont have room and YOU are the parent - really kids should NEVER have pets for themselves, because animals are ultimately going to be cared for and paid for by the adult.

Tell them to save their $$ so they can buy a house and when they move out they can have whatever pet the choice...

Betta fish are about the smallest easiest to care for pets there are
Get a pet like a rabbit or a guinea pig. They are soft and friendly with kids, can be kept in a small cage and don't require a lot of work to maintain. Or fish. Anyone can find room for a Betta - they don't need a big tank or a filter.

Don't get a dog unless YOU want one - you're the one who'll be stuck with it when the kid gets bored.

How to get rid of scorpions, when there's pets and kids?

I lived in Arizona, (of course) and almost everybody in our family has gotten stung by these little nuinces, including me. My lil brother has gotten stung about 4 times, my mother twice, my step dad once and me once. We also have dogs and cats, lazy cats I might add and a 3yr old litle girl.

I need to find the best way to get rid of scorpions w/ out affecting our pets and the baby.

Any suggestions please!

How to get rid of scorpions, when there's pets and kids?-Myspace pets

My wife sprays with Diazion(sp?) or Demon WP. She says she thinks you can't get Diazion (sp?) anymore due to the EPA, but she sprays that outside, and the Demon WP inside and out. The only kids we have here are her grandkids, ages 2 and 4, on occasion. We do have 4 big dogs in the back yard, and we've never suffered any ill effects from the wise spraying of either. God Bless you. Oh, and we live in Texas, the northeast corner, near Arkansas, and we use those sprays for scorpions which we get too frequently over here.

How to get rid of scorpions, when there's pets and kids?

-( wife says the only place she knows to get it here in this small East Texas town is in a private store called Horaney's. It's not a chain or anything. Just one store. Sorry. God Bless you. Report It

How to get rid of scorpions, when there's pets and kids?

-(Myspace code

Poisons ought to be used as a last resort, and not used on a continual basis. You may not be suffering any ill effects now, but it does effect you to a degree and can cause health problems. Also, when you use poisons, you're also harming the environment. Learn to live with nature, not fight it. Report It

Contact an exterminator. They will give you your best options.
There are a few key things that scorpions like that draws them into your house. It all revolves around their instinctual behavior.

1. scorpions like tight spaces, such as your doorway. If they can squeeze between your doorway and the door, they feel safe because they're surrounded. Then they may decide to come indoors when it turns dark (really this is just happenstance, there's a 50/50 chance that they'll crawl back outside as well). If you put weather stripping around your door to tighten up the possibility of them using your doorway as a hiding place that will help. This will also cut down on the number of other bugs that make it into your house, and these other bugs are what scorpions feed on, so that'll help prevent scorpions from following their prospective prey indoors.

2. Scorpions love climbing. I don't know if you've ever noticed, but you may have a fair number of scorpions in your attic. If you have recessed lighting this provides a convenient entrance for the scorpions to crawl through. I've even had one drop on my head (totally freaky let me tell you). To stop this from happening we created 16" x 16" boxes out of dry wall that encase the recessed lighting fixtures in the attic and sealed them up tight with the tape that's used with dry wall.

3. Another favorite hangout for scorpions is mulch. If your house is surrounded by hedges and gardens (as many houses are) that have mulch or leaves piled on the ground, scorpions love hiding in this stuff which means that immediately surrounding your house is a great scorpion habitat. The more scorpions that like living right next to your house means more scorpions inside. Try using gravel instead of mulch in these areas and you'll cut down on the number that hang out at your place.

Pets for xmas yes or no?

do you think that it is ok to give some one a pet for christmas? Does it depend on something? whats your opinion?

Pets for xmas yes or no?-Myspace pets

No as it's a lifetime commitment and you're not going to be paying vet bills etc for them are you?

Pets for xmas yes or no?


No. It doesn't depend on anything. An animal is for life. You can't just "get rid of it" when you get tired of it.

Pets for xmas yes or no?

-(Myspace code

as long as you don't go to the petstore at the shelter i volunteer at we are encouraging people to take animals home for the holidays because we know they will just go somewhere else for a dog or cat
My opinion is a definite no. If you think the person wants a pet give them some sort of gift certificate so they can choose their own. Choosing a pet for someone is rather like choosing a wife or husband for another person. It is a long term position and a person should choose their own.
no no no no no no NO

giving pets as presents is a BAD idea. when people recieve pets for xmas they usually didnt know that they were going to get a pet and they wouldnt be FULLY prepared for looking after it.

if you want o get one as a gift i would talk it over with the person who will be taking care of the pet FIRST so that they can do their research and tell you what they WOULD and WOULDNT like.

This would be a big NO

Just like @ Easter when people go out and buy little ducks and chicks and Bunnies and give to people it is a real bad idea as they are unwanted and do not get the proper care they need so I would never ever recommend giving a live animal as a gift


Yes!!!!!! Just ask their parents if its a kid, if not find some way to make sure they want one.
it depends on what it is. like i would say no to a cat or dog (unless u are giving it to your children) because the family probably doesnt already have a cat/dog for a reason. same with hampsters and anything besides maybe a fish. actually i think one betta or a gold fish would be good, because u dont have to get a big tank with a filter and everything.
The animal shelter where I live is always loaded WIth new arrivals 2-3 weeks after x-mas.

If the pet is for your family wait a few Weeks and save a life.

If the pet is a gift for someone else, make sure it's the right pet or don't take the chance
unless its for your own children, then the answer is no. pets are a big responsibility, and are expensive.. especially cats and dogs... and even if the person mentioned wanting a certain pet, they should still be the one to pick out which one.. my suggestion, buy them a gift card to a pet store, and let them pick it out..
I'm a yes under certain circumstances and a no under others.

If your entire family wants a kitten, then going to the shelter and bringing home a kitten as a gift to THE FAMILY is fine with me. As long as the parent who brought home the kitten is fine with being the main caregiver for the next 20 years.

However, most other circumstances are a big fat NO. Most responsible breeders will not sell a puppy as a gift. Many adoption places are the same way. Both want to meet the whole family and be sure that the pup interacts with everyone well.

Aside from the big responsibility over the holidays that people have. Family members are visiting. You are running around everywhere. After a few days and a few big poops, the kids are more fascinated with their new iPod or webkinz than the puppy.

A gift certificate "good for one dog" is a much better option.
it depends on the pet and it depends on the person.

generally, no.

giving any kind of pet to someone who isn't expecting it and isn't prepared for it is never a good idea. even if they will take care of it you're putting a lot of unwanted responsibility on them, and that's not a gift at all.

even if you know they are prepared for the responsibility (like if you ask their parents, or the parents themselves are giving the pet) it's marginally better. but then there is still the problem of Christmas. the holidays are and exciting and stressful time, and a very bad time to bring a pet into the family. the best thing to do if you really want to get someone a pet for the hols is to buy a bunch of pet supplies and wrap them up with a note that promises a pet (at a later date).

the only time it is truly okay to get some one a pet is if it's a animal that requires little to no attention and they are already prepared for it. example? say you've got a friend with an established aquarium who has been eying a rare or pricey fish for awhile. in that case a pet fish is a wonderful idea, but that's a unusual circumstance, so no. no pets for Christmas.
Big no no. First of all Christmas is stressfull enough without having a new pet to think about. Try after Christmas. Also it's not good to give someone a pet they didn't pick out them selves. Most pets, like dogs and cats really pick you out. Best time of year for giving a dog or cat...if you still decided to is when the weather is warm and you can take the animal out for exercise. Other kinds of pets like birds or little caged animals...well you should really think about what the peson wants...or, more to the point, doesn't want.
ive seen it done b4 theres no problem with that...go ahead

Pets which one pick nowwwwwwwwwww?

which pet do you like out of the ones below?






Pets which one pick nowwwwwwwwwww?-Myspace pets


Pets which one pick nowwwwwwwwwww?



Pets which one pick nowwwwwwwwwww?

-(Myspace code

kitty if u'r simple

dog if u'r active

bird if u'r semi-active

hampster if ur' boring

fish if u'r really boring and non-active

i would go with cat :o) easy to care for but there when u need it. yay!
dog first

cat second
meow =^-^=
I have all of the above

but i love my puppers the most
puppy...they are so lovable and they will protect you
A dog for sure, they are like a friend/companion to you.

A cat minds his own business.

A bird, well they are messy

and a fish, Well there isn`t much you can do with a fish, but sit and admire them.
a dog but i like chinchillas and horses best!
Fish def! They rock!

Then dog, then cat, then bird, then hamster. SO:





5.Hamster- Hamsters suck!!!!!!!!!!!! (No offense)
I like cats and dogs there are pros and cons to each...

cats are more independent and require less attention and use the litter box you dont have to walk them or take them out but you do have to poopy scoop and clean the litter box

dogs go outside so no cleaning poo but you have to be home to walk them and take them out and require a bit more attention..

so it just really depends how much time you have to give the attention that animal requires
I am a TOTAL cat person... Choose a Cat if you want something that can entertain itself while you are out yet wants love and attention when you are at home... (Take my word on this... Spend the $125.00 on the electric, automatic litter box... BEST INVENTION EVER THOUGHT UP BY MAN!)

Dogs are GREAT too but they need a LOT more time and attention. You can't leave them alone for long periods of time and they tend to chew and eat inappropriate things... Like my dog once ate the WHOLE LEG off of a pair of my fave Jeans.

Birds are fun but they are DIRTY animals... Their seed and poop tend to spread in a layer in a 3 foot radius of the cage.

Hamsters are fun as long as you have them in a metal cage... Those plastic kind (with all the neat tubes and such) get eaten though and they escape.

Fish are SPECTACULAR if you have a desire for something either EXTREAMLY simple or EXTREAMLY complicated.

Simple = A tank with some cheap fish and a plastic plant

Complicated = A fully NATURAL environment with real plants and $40.00 fish... A carbondioxide producor made with bakers yeast to encourage plant growth... Breeding seperators... You can make it a career just designing and maintaining the tank.

Make your choice based on your personal preferences and how much time you can devote to your pet...

A pet isn't just a toy... It is a living creature that you invite into your home to share your life. Pets are about as disposable as your child... You woudn't give away your baby because it poops where it shouldn't so you should remember that any pet should get the same respect.

Just because you grow tired of an animal doesn't mean you can throw it out.

none of the above
Dog, Then Cat
All of the above.
love kitty cats
i say hamster. ^_^
All of them they are all beautiful creatures, i dont have a favorite because they all are god's animals and his creations, its like saying I hate all boys because they have short hair! and that is juding straight up!

But if I were to pick i'd pick the dog because i beleive they show huge compassion and love twords their owners!
dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog BIRD dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog
meow meow Cat

What if dog`s was not spouse to be pets what would thay be know?

if dogs was not for keeping as pets

What if dog`s was not spouse to be pets what would thay be know?-Myspace pets

If they were not supposed to be kept as pets there would be no such thing as dogs. There would just be wolves in their place because dogs descended from wolves.

What I have read of how wolves became dogs is this. When early man - thousands of years ago - would eat they would throw the bones and garbage they could not eat away. Wolves began hanging around the camps where people were eating. It was an easy meal for the wolves. Of course since the wolves were near the camps they would sometimes have their baby's close to where humans were. These baby wolves became accustomed to people because they were so close. The people benefited the wolves by an easy meal. The wolves also benefited the humans by barking when an intruder or another animal was close by that might steal their food. By eating human food and splitting from the other wolves their genes gradually changed. They took thousands of years to evolve to what they are now. They are no longer wolves any more than humans are chimpanzees, even though we share most of the same genes of chimps.

What if dog`s was not spouse to be pets what would thay be know?


wild and like wolves

What if dog`s was not spouse to be pets what would thay be know?

-(Myspace code

Dogs are domesticated animals, they are supposed to be pets.
Are you trying to say

What if dogs were not supposed to be pets - what would they be now? If dogs were not kept as pets, where would they be?

Direct decendants of our dogs broke off about 100,000 years ago and started being domesticated about 10,000-15,000 years ago. If we had not started treating dogs like pets at those times, then those lines would have died out and not evolved into what we know as "dogs". They would still be wolves, or wolves would have split into another niche species.
HUH? You want a dog as a spouse???? lol
I could not imagine not having my dogs!

Pets accessable front door which one is best for my wooden front door when I'm away on vacation


Pets accessable front door which one is best for my wooden front door when I'm away on vacation?-Myspace pets

First off your house will get broken into with one of those things.Second what if the cat gets hurt while you are gone, it could suffer.

I would hire a pet sitter or put alot of bowls of food and water down and clean litter box and keep him inside.JMHO.

Pets accessable front door which one is best for my wooden front door when I'm away on vacation?


why would you want that. so he can get out and get run over by a car or poisoned etc and rot there for a week? just keep your cat inside where he can be safe, happy and healthy.

Pets accessable front door which one is best for my wooden front door when I'm away on vacation?

-(Myspace code

Well since you didn't give me any choices this is the one I choose. PetSafe Dead-Bolt Locking Pet Door or PetSafe Wall Entry Aluminum Pet Door
Get a cat door away from your front door. It will help keep people from breakin in. Make sure this door leads to a secluded area like somehwere that is fenced. You dont want it hit by a car. The NUMBER 1 thing to do is hire a cat sitter and buy a soft blanket. Put the soft blanket wherever your cat sleeps. If worst comes to worst buy a parrot and put it in a cage near somewhere the cat can get at. The cat cant get through the cage and neither can the bird so they both will be entertained for hours. Also try a fish higher up where the cat cant tap the fish bowl.
I highly recommend that you don't get this pet door right as you go on vacation because it takes some time to get a cat to use a pet door(up to 6 months) and sometimes they might never use it and you'll have wasted your time and money plus you never put them in the front of your house, you install them in a remote place so you don't get broken into. You could just leave the cat alone for a week in the house just be sure to leave three times as much litter in 2 litter boxes side by side and leave a huge bowl of water (1 1/2 gals.) and leave at least 3 lbs. of dry cat food out so the cat has plenty to eat and drink or /and hire/have somebody stop by and check up on the cat every day.
I think it would be better to have someone watch your cat. Even if they could take it to their house. If something happened - you wouldn't know about it until you got home. I don't know about pet doors - they don't seem very safe to me.

What are some good reptiles you can get for pets that like handling?

I have 3 green anoles, and I know that there not reptiles for actual handling and playing with, but I was just wondering what some good reptiles for handling would be. (That was probably some really bad english haha). Anyway, if anyone knows what some good reptile pets that enjoy being picked up and played with are, I would sure apreciate it :b

What are some good reptiles you can get for pets that like handling?-Myspace pets

with a little bit of time you could hold just about any reptile.

But none of the ever get tame best you can hope for is it will not run away or bite you whe you pick it up.

if you work with your green anoles you could pick them up but it will take some time.

What are some good reptiles you can get for pets that like handling?



What are some good reptiles you can get for pets that like handling?

-(Myspace code

Bearded dragons are good.
Leopard Geckos
some turtles.
Bearded Dragon, Garder Snakes, Salamanders.........All past pets of mine.........So yeah, good luck hope you find a good pet! :D
I would have to say that no reptiles really "enjoy" being handled but some tolerate it better than others. Bearded Dragons are the first that come to mind, and cornsnakes, ball pythons, blue tongue skinks are a few others. Tortoises can also be somewhat interactive, as well as some monitors.
leapord geckos are the best! the babies cost less but are less calm! (if u do get a baby, hold it every day or itll not be used to you and he wont like being held!) the older ones are melow and cost more but u need a bigger cage for them! take it from someone who has 2 leapord geckos! o and PLEASE STAR ME!! :)
The Green Iguana is an awsome pet. If you raise them they are very friendly and love to be held and walked like a dog. My brother has had three and I've had one.
No reptiles like being handled, but if hand-raised, some will tolerate it. Snakes enjoy body heat, I know that.

The main thing to be concerned about is that some reptiles should never be handled, for your own safety. They can carry bacteria on their skin that will make you sick. I believe some of the common bacteria carried on reptiles is Listeria, E. Coli, and Salmonella. I could be wrong about one or more, I'm not an expert, but they do carry nasty germs! Remember those little tiny turtles everybody used to have in their classrooms when we were kids? Ever wonder what became of them? They were banned in the US because they were so bacteria-laden!

Get a good reptile book that deals with the germs commonly carried by various species, to find the lowest risk pet to have, or talk to a reptile expert. I don't mean the high school kid at Petsmart, either! I mean someone who has had more than sophomore Zoology. A vet, reptile keeper at a zoo, or zoologist at a University would all be good bets. Call the institution of your choice and ask for the e-mail address of the person in charge of the reptile department. Most people will not mind answering a brief e-mail, especially on their area of expertise.

Until you know more, be careful caring for your anoles. Just because you haven't gotten sick yet, doesn't mean you couldn't. Thoroughly wash your hands after feeding, and especially after cleaning their habitat. A hand sanitizer after washing wouldn't be a bad idea, either. Alcohol kills most germs.

Hope you find a safe pet that will tolerate being handled. Good luck!
here are some sites i have found i haven't had any but i had a friend you had a grass and corn snake that you could handle but sending site about reptiles as pets hope the help. hope these sites help.
Turtles Are GREAT
A good one is a Ball Pythion. Another is an green Iguana. They don't mind being held, but they don't LIKE it.
There is a snake called a rubber boa. it reaches about 2 feet in length when mature and they love being handled. The are very low maintenance snakes since they live in the wild in the mountains. No heat lamp or anything is necessary. They eat frozen or thawed pinkie mice. The best part about them, they WON'T bite. it's not part of their defence. They will generally wrap around your hand for a while when you pick them up absorbing your body heat then they will start wandering around, they're not fast though so no fears of escape. they're hard to find but if you go to a reptile show near you you'll likely find a breeder. They are well worth the trouble. Good luck!

oh and another thing adding on to the germ comment. As a vet tech I know that EVERY reptile has salmonella on there skin. that's why you wash your hands. and the box turtles were only banned because they were being sold for 50 cents to kids with no "wash your hands" instructions. As long as you practise good sanitation you'll be fine.
a ball python or columbian boa snake are good handling pets or you can go with a bearded dragon.(reaserch before you buy)
idk just answered for the points

Pets grooming?

looking for pet grooming in lake havasu

Pets grooming?-Myspace pets

Just do it your self it simple an gives you an your pet time togather

Let's say a group of teenagers kidnapped your pets and used them in dogfighting rings.How would

I saw in the news a while ago saying that teenagers are breaking into family homes and steal other peoples pets, cats and dogs to be used in dogfighting rings. I saw myspace videos of kittens being attacked by pitbulls. kids sicking their dogs on innocent children as young as 3. You see the smiles on there faces. Dogs are fighting each other, and those teens just think it's so funny and so cool that they put it on myspace. They kidnapped other peoples dogs and made their dogs attack them in their own backyard with other kids drinking and smoking,doesnt it make you wonder? why are the parents doing something about this? If this happened to your dog or cat or your 3 yr old child. would you be mad? If they died what would u do?

How would you feel, doesnt that make you mad?

Let's say a group of teenagers kidnapped your pets and used them in dogfighting rings.How would u feel?Pissed?-Myspace pets

I think when they're caught, they need to be thrown into a very hungry lion (or tiger) cage. And if they need someone to do it - would please me to no end to be the one.

I blame the bloody video games, movies, music, and the so-called "entertainment" industry - for creating these soulless, mindless, monsters.

Let's say a group of teenagers kidnapped your pets and used them in dogfighting rings.How would u feel?Pissed?


I was about to say, " hey, they're just stupid kids" They don't know better, but after hearing this i have never been so angry in my years of being alive. Those kids should go to jail for animal cruelty, and parents too. the klaws state that anything illegal going on in the childs home, the parents, or whoevers in custody of the child will be arrested as well, not knowing what happened is not an excuse. The parents should be arrested for not stopping the problem, and so were the kids attending the dogfighting, even if they are just innocent bystanders.

Let's say a group of teenagers kidnapped your pets and used them in dogfighting rings.How would u feel?Pissed?

-(Myspace code

someone broke into my neighbor's home and stole a very sweet pit bull. their hearts are broken bc they know what is going to happen to their pet.

i believe in revenge, and they would pay with THEIR body parts, very slowly!
I would want those kids to work for 3-7 years at a Vets office, taking care of injured animals.
i have two dogs that are my kids. so if anyone kidnapped them, killed them, tortured them or did anything to them at all... i would have no problem killing them with my own too hands.
hehe yeah those kind of sick acts have been happening since the beggining of time. It's just we now have the technology to bring that violent act into your home. But on a lesser note humans are at a low in caring. caring just in general. kids don't have as hard or enlightening as they once did. It could be considered a sid effect of the instant gradification society the americans live in. life lessons that teach character are in short supply.

desesatization in all of its forms. it stacks up and creates a huge negative impact on kids too. think and look for the things that desesitize you in your day to day life.

yeah but I never focus on the nagatives views of a subject for too long, I always quick think of a way to help solve the problemand hope that one day in some way I can help fix the problem
This is illegal and immoral. If that is really happening (and I haven't seen anything about it.) Then these kids should be arrested and incarcerated.

I don't understand how anyone can think cruelty is fun.

!!!!!URGENT!!!!! trouble with with cheats and the sims 2 pets on PS2?

I recently brought the sims 2 pets on ps2 but i try to use cheat codes but i cant seem to make them work. can anyone help me

!!!!!URGENT!!!!! trouble with with cheats and the sims 2 pets on PS2?-Myspace pets

Which cheat codes aren't working?

Are you bringing teh cheat menu?

Control + Shift + C

Let's say a group of teenagers kidnapped your pets and used them in dogfighting rings.How would

I saw in the news a while ago saying that teenagers are breaking into family homes and steal other peoples pets, cats and dogs to be used in dogfighting rings. I saw myspace videos of kittens being attacked by pitbulls. kids sicking their dogs on innocent children as young as 3. You see the smiles on there faces. Dogs are fighting each other, and those teens just think it's so funny and so cool that they put it on myspace. They kidnapped other peoples dogs and made their dogs attack them in their own backyard with other kids drinking and smoking,doesnt it make you wonder? why are the parents doing something about this? If this happened to your dog or cat or your 3 yr old child. would you be mad? If they died what would u do?

How would you feel, doesnt that make you mad?

Let's say a group of teenagers kidnapped your pets and used them in dogfighting rings.How would u feel?Pissed?-Myspace pets

I think when they're caught, they need to be thrown into a very hungry lion (or tiger) cage. And if they need someone to do it - would please me to no end to be the one.

I blame the bloody video games, movies, music, and the so-called "entertainment" industry - for creating these soulless, mindless, monsters.

Let's say a group of teenagers kidnapped your pets and used them in dogfighting rings.How would u feel?Pissed?


I was about to say, " hey, they're just stupid kids" They don't know better, but after hearing this i have never been so angry in my years of being alive. Those kids should go to jail for animal cruelty, and parents too. the klaws state that anything illegal going on in the childs home, the parents, or whoevers in custody of the child will be arrested as well, not knowing what happened is not an excuse. The parents should be arrested for not stopping the problem, and so were the kids attending the dogfighting, even if they are just innocent bystanders.

Let's say a group of teenagers kidnapped your pets and used them in dogfighting rings.How would u feel?Pissed?

-(Myspace code

someone broke into my neighbor's home and stole a very sweet pit bull. their hearts are broken bc they know what is going to happen to their pet.

i believe in revenge, and they would pay with THEIR body parts, very slowly!
I would want those kids to work for 3-7 years at a Vets office, taking care of injured animals.
i have two dogs that are my kids. so if anyone kidnapped them, killed them, tortured them or did anything to them at all... i would have no problem killing them with my own too hands.
hehe yeah those kind of sick acts have been happening since the beggining of time. It's just we now have the technology to bring that violent act into your home. But on a lesser note humans are at a low in caring. caring just in general. kids don't have as hard or enlightening as they once did. It could be considered a sid effect of the instant gradification society the americans live in. life lessons that teach character are in short supply.

desesatization in all of its forms. it stacks up and creates a huge negative impact on kids too. think and look for the things that desesitize you in your day to day life.

yeah but I never focus on the nagatives views of a subject for too long, I always quick think of a way to help solve the problemand hope that one day in some way I can help fix the problem
This is illegal and immoral. If that is really happening (and I haven't seen anything about it.) Then these kids should be arrested and incarcerated.

I don't understand how anyone can think cruelty is fun.

rate my teacher