Hi i'm 12 years old and I really want a ferret. I was just wondering what adults like to hear when it comes to buying pets. Do you like to hear the prices how much i know or what?
I know a lot and I have everything planned out.
All I need is the ok. How can i do this??
I need all parents that have children with pets!!!! Please check this out!!!?-Myspace pets www.myspace.com
all you can do is ask.... you can explain all you want about taking care of the ferret, (cleaning the cage, bathing the ferret, feeding the ferret, paying for VET BILLS --and there WILL be some, paying for supplies... making sure it NEVER runs lose in the house, etc etc)... of course there is no parent in this WORLD who would believe you because kids ALWAYS say this and experience dictates that within a day or two, the child stops feeding, stops cleaning the cage, won't bathe it and NEVER has money for the vet bills and supplies...but, it won't hurt to ASK....but if they say NO, don't be too surprised...
I need all parents that have children with pets!!!! Please check this out!!!?
Be sure to tell them that it will be YOU who will be cleaning out the cage and taking complete care of the rodent...also you can tell them that ferrets can be litter trained- I never had much luck with it, but that little nugget of info worked when I asked my mom for one years ago! Good Luck! ...also, dont mention the odd smell....turns some parents off :o)
I need all parents that have children with pets!!!! Please check this out!!!?
-(Myspace code myspace.com)
first off are they legal in your state i dont think they are legal everywhere before you ask i would be resonsible around the house like doing things without being told keeping room clean, doing homework, and that kind of stuff good luck
Adults want to hear and see evidence that you are going to take care of this pet once you have it, and it's not another chore they're going to have to take on because you got tired of changing the litter, cleaning the cage, bathing the pet, or you just happened to forget to give it food and water one day. I raised a daughter and we always had pets in the house, but it was also a matter of constantly reminding her to take care of them. Parents don't have time to be on your case about one more thing.
Suggestion - if you really want a pet badly, start now to consistently do every chore your parents have laid out for you, whether it's cleaning your room, making your bed, washing the dishes, taking out the trash. Whatever it is, start doing those chores (all of them) daily without being asked or reminded and keep that up for nothing less than a month. Once you've done that, draw that fact to your parents' attention when pointing out you're sufficiently responsible and mature enough to handle caring for a pet as well. That will go a HUGE way towards getting you that ferret.
Well when I was 16 yrs I had a ferret and it was the best pet I have ever had they are very obidient, the males will only go to the toilet in one spot but you can get there stink glad taken out by a vet if you don't want the smell.
I had a male ferret.
they are very playful, you can take them anywhere inside of a bag (mine use to come shopping with me)
also get on well with other animals at the time I had mine my Mum had 4 dogs %26amp; 3 cats and they never fought.
Well I hope this helps you get the Yes that you want and good luck if you do get it
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