Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christians: Does the Bible talk about whether or not pets and animals will be in Heaven with us?

How can pets go to Heaven if they can't think like humans and put their faith in God? sources or verses?

Christians: Does the Bible talk about whether or not pets and animals will be in Heaven with us?-Myspace pets

Nowhere does Scripture explicitly state that animals do not have souls...There is nothing in Scripture I know of that would preclude the possibility of animals' continued existence...The Bible does give us some reason to hope that departed animals will be restored. We read in the Bible that redemption is a cosmic matter. The whole creation is destined to be redeemed through the work of Christ (Romans 8:21), and we see the images of what heaven will be like; beautiful passages of Scripture tell us about the lion and lamb and other animals being at peace with one another.(Isaiah 11:6-8). Whenever heaven is described, though it may be in highly imaginative language, it is a place where animals seem to be present. Whether these are animals newly created for the new heavens and the new earth, or they are the redeemed souls of our pets that have perished, we can't know for sure.

P.S. Jesus is going to return on a white horse, so there must be animals in Heaven.

The Second Coming is spoken of in greatest detail in Revelation 19:11-16: 閳ユ穾nd I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.

Christians: Does the Bible talk about whether or not pets and animals will be in Heaven with us?


It doesn't address the issue, however the great St Augustine thinks it a real possibility.

Christians: Does the Bible talk about whether or not pets and animals will be in Heaven with us?

-(Myspace code

it does....and they wont

animals are prepared to work for us or for us to eat

not as pets
Well...actually it doesn't have anything really to say if animals are going to heaven. They do have souls, but unlike us they don't have an understanding of God...Honestly i don't know.
It talks about the fact that not even a sparrow is harmed without God willing it (Matthew 10:29), but I'm not sure if it ever says yes or no.
We do not know. Perhaps they will go to heaven because they are Innocent and not capable of putting their faith in God like children or mentally handicap adults.
The Bible does not say, one way or the other.

In Kabbalah, earthly animals are the equivalent of angels in higher worlds.

In Hindu scriptures, the eldest Pandava brother (is that Yudhisthera?) walked to heaven with his dog and was told that the do couldn't come in with him, so he refused to go in to such a heartless God. It was a test. The dog got into heaven, too.

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