Monday, November 30, 2009

What are Shih Tzu dogs like to keep as pets?

what are shih tzu's like to keep as pets and (or) other small breeds like them like shih poo's

What are Shih Tzu dogs like to keep as pets?-Myspace pets


The long-haired coat is accepted in any colour, including beige, black, and red, often with white.


A Shih Tzu requires a lot of grooming. Comb the coat thoroughly every day to prevent tangles. A hair band is essential to keep the hair out of the eyes. Because the eyes are a sensitive spot for these dogs, you need to make sure they are kept clean. Use the special eye drops prepared for this purpose. Clean the ear passages regularly too. If you do not have the time to keep the coat in good condition, you will need to take the dog about every two months to be clipped, which will spare the dog a lot of misery.


These are intelligent, lovable, affectionate, cheerful, and sociable dogs that are also independent and not friends to all. The Shih Tzu rarely barks.


If you approach this somewhat obstinate breed with plenty of patience and remain consistent at all times, it is possible to achieve a reasonable level of training.


Dogs of this breed usually get on well with other household animals and children. No matter what company they keep, they always behave with dignity.


The Shih Tzu is content with short walks, their exercise requirements are not large, they were bred to sit around the emporer's palace in China and bark when people or animals approached, not to chase game!


The Shih Tzu coat looks best when groomed daily, but if you are wanting a pet rather than show animal you may keep their fur clipped so less grooming is required. They do not tolerate the cold, so don;t clip them unless in a warm climate, and coat must long for show animals.

What are Shih Tzu dogs like to keep as pets?


My freind has one.Its good dog, clean.Very sweet and freindly.But you have to look after and shave every other months.Very clever

What are Shih Tzu dogs like to keep as pets?

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pomeranian r cute,.der fluffy fur oh dey r sooooo cute:)
They are really gentle dogs~ perfect for any home with children and obedient!!!!

I would suggest you buy one!!!
small dogs at first will seem skidish. but as they grow older with you they are very good dogs. some will act like they are bigger than they are and become very protective of you and others will stay skidish. HOwever the smaller the dog the more attention they want. so make them feel loved at all times and spend as much time with them as possible. they will always be your best friend.
small and annoying
Shih tzu's are like any other small dog. They make fantastic pets if you are a good owner. Never make the dog your 'baby', treat it like a dog. Be calm and consistent and so will the dog be.

Treat it like a baby or confuse it with mixed signals and it will be afraid and confrontational, which manifests itself as the yapping and ankle biting which afflicts so many small dogs. That's not because they are bad pets, but because small dogs attract owners who 'mother' them.
They really are great dogs for pets. I happen to own 3 of them. They can be house trained pretty easily, and are great with children. I grew up with my older dog, and was great. They make very good lab dogs, for their small size. Personality wise, each one of my dogs has a different personality, so don't just assume a small dog is going to be quiet or too crazy. Some Shih Tzy's, howver, need combing often. If not done the hair will become all mated and tangled. My family just cuts their hair periodicly. All in all, I love these dogs, for their loving personality, and friendly nature.
How they act is usually dependent on how they are raised. Mine never "yipped" did all those other "token" little dog annoyances, primarily because when he did, he got in trouble. I loved having him, and he lived close to 19 years and I still miss him. Very snuggly doggie. :)
My Shih Tzu, Oscar, is lovable and lazy. He is happy to go for walks or just spend the day laying in the grass. He is NOT yappy at all. I spend a lot of time with him and he is very well behaved. He is very independent and yet very cuddly. He is devoted to our family. We rescued him when he was about 1 year old. If you are considering a dog please adopt from a pound or other rescue center. Good luck!
I have a Shih Tzu name Princess

I have her cut every six weeks

She does not bark a lot. She is very friendly, she is a fraid of nothing. She make funny cute sounds

We have a fence back yard, it took us a week to fix all the small spots she can get out.

I think Shih Tzu's are the prefect size, around 15 pounds

She is a happy little dog. She digs down.

I would get another Shih tzu

Like people, dogs are as different as night and day

The same parents, can have dogs totaly different. You need to remember this.
I love shih tzus they are the best sometimes they bark but they dont need to be taken on long walks and are fine home alone i have babysat 2 for 10 days love them but i have a boston terrier and they are fun they sleep a lot and are very ugly cute pugs are sweeties two but if you get one with a flat face make sure its not to flat because you dont want to have to get sugury so they can breath better.

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