What kind of pet should I get?
Pets??? what kind???-Myspace pets www.myspace.com
If you are very busy, try a cat, they are independent...have you ever heard the saying cats have answering machines? Just leave them plenty of food and water and a litter box and you can go out of town for a night or two. Dogs have to have more attention, more training, more "Don't chew that purse, slipper, cell phone etc." if you get a puppy. Ferrets, on the other hand are just about a full time job...they need special care, special food, special lodging etc. But ferrets are a ball! But watchout for ferret math. Nobody can keep just one. If you get at least 2 they can play with eachother and they are a riot to watch! On the downside, they are couch killers, they have very tiny digestive systems and can ingest something and it can cause an intestinal blockage. Vet bills can be astronomical! REmember the smaller the dog, the longer they live. A spayed cat can live 30 years. Birds can be fun but an African Grey Parrot can live 35 to 40 years and are as intelligent as a 3 to 5 year old human. The smarter the animal, the more interaction it will require. I would visit friends that have animals and take your time and see which one you might feel best with. But remember, an animal is a life ling committment. How close are you to Arizona, by the way? I have a cute medium sized female dog about 7 months old that someone tied up in a gunny sack and threw her out. It took about 4 months to get her on her feet, but she needs a good loving home. I have 5 more dogs that are rescue dogs...3 are from New Orleans (my husband works disaster relief and he brought these home because the shelters were all full) so email me back if anyone is interested.
Pets??? what kind???
Tabby Cat. They take care of themselves and they love to sit in your lap.
Pets??? what kind???
-(Myspace code myspace.com)
Catfish(cat+fish) That's a bargain LOL two for one...
It really depends, dogs are better pets than cats but, dogs take a LOT of work.
So, if you can't spend much time training, etc. a cat is the way to go.
A semi-large brown laborador retriever (DOG)
Get a cat. They won't be hovering over you all the time like a dog, you don't have to let them outside all the time like you do with a dog. Cats are aloof and that makes some people think they are selfish. But when you are having a really bad day and you come home to cry, the cat will run over to you, headbutt your cheek and purr your tears away. They are adorable when they're playing- my cats love my shoelaces best as toys and it's hilarious to see one of them jump two or three feet off the ground just to attack a flying shoelace.
rabbits! fuzzy rabbits.
Dogs or fish
a giant monitor lizard! personally i want one.
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