according to Jack Van Impe, the bible says to go into all the world and preach the gospel. which is true, but he says it means that we should witness to our pets, so they have salvation, also.
seriously, do you believe this and do you think they would even understand? what is your take on the whole theory?
Do you really think that witnessing to pets will work?-Myspace pets
I can barely get my pets to go outside when nature calls.
Do you really think that witnessing to pets will work?
He sounds crazy. unless he means balams donkey, hahaha
Do you really think that witnessing to pets will work?
-(Myspace code
Are you f-ing NUTS!
It is close to hallowe'en when the dead rise from their graves.
Pure superstition - all of it.
Jack Van Impe may say to witness but what does the Bible say about it???
I don't think your dog is going to pay much attention to what you have to say unless you say it with a dog biscuit in your hand.
I think my cat is saved already because she's white, fluffy, and doesn't cause anyone problems. But all snakes should be witnessed to because most are going to hell for that whole apple and Eve thing.
Jack Van Impe is nuts. Come the 7 year tribulation, when he realizes that there is no pre-trib rapture and ALL of the christians were left behind, he will start eating those pets instead of worrying about their salvation.
Did he really say that? It's bad enough that he's a fan of the pope.
Our PETS can be "saved" now? Suffer the little animals to come ...? Yeesh. That's certainly out on the warped end of the fringe.
To my understanding, pets and other creatures are not under original sin, since they did not, nor have the capacity to, disobey God. Being a saved keeper of pets keeps them from harm,and, of course, allows you to be with them in Heaven. Yes, all pets go to Heaven.
remember St. Frances of asisi, he is the patron saint of animals he recited the gospel to them, he chased a menecing wolf out of town even the birds in the air would come and listen to him. look up st. frances online and you will find your answer. but he was not the only saint that spoke to and commanded animals. there were others. check out the lives of the saints or go to catholic answers . org and you can find more info about saint and animals in the bible. but I don't
No, I dont' agree with that. God told us to treat animals good, but don't compare them or treat them as human. Some are to be used as food source, but not like humans, like leaving them millions of dollars, when there are so many poor people in the world that needs the help. I could go on and on.
Witnessing to pets? WTF! Does this mean that pets will start going door to door, too?
No preaching to the pets please...there might feel love...and rejected or not...but try to pray with them...that cant be wrong...
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