Sunday, December 6, 2009

When U go to people house that has pets?

I hate when i go to my aunts house she let her pets jump all over me.I am like get your dogs but they dont get them she just let them jump all over me.i cant stand it is wouldnt it be comman courtsy for her to put them away when she has company?

When U go to people house that has pets?-Myspace pets

My theory is- Love me, love my dogs. I do my best to keep my dogs under control, but they live here, you don't. I don't expect others to put their dogs up.

When U go to people house that has pets?


they should be taught to stay down. my dogs greet people and i give them a few minutes of their excitement and then they have to behave,

When U go to people house that has pets?

-(Myspace code

I think if your aunt realized that you are starting to dislike dogs, she might be a little wiser and just have one more well behaved one out. After all you are her niece and she should want to help you understand animals so that you can enjoy them.
simple, let her know about it politely or tell her you are allergic to pets , make up story that doctor suggested you to stay away from furry animals. how about that?
Well, I think that it is not odd to expect someone to teach their pets manners, but I also have dogs that really just lose their brains when people come over. I keep them separate from the people until they settle down.

But it is your aunt's home, and if you don't like it, I guess you don't have to go over there.
I agree with you, it is a discourtesy. People let their pets do what they would never allow their children to do.

I also dislike when people come into my home and get upset when I discipline my dogs to prevent them from doing this behavior.
I have to agree with arkpudel. If you come to my house, and you don't like cats, my cat WILL get in your lap. She has some kind of radar.
god your lame.

they are dogs and they happy to c u.... so what?
I agree with cloudy, they should be taught some manners. I can understand a bit of excitement when someone first arrives, but it's annoying have them jumping on you all the time.

Yes, it's her home, but to expect someone to be jumped on the whole time they're visiting is rude in my opinion.

I had a friend who's dog would jump up next to me and lick my arms and legs the whole time I was visiting. Gross
I have a dog and two cats and I don't think she should have to "put them away" when your there. But she should have them trained If she plans on having people to her house. Just because she's a dog lover doesn't mean everyone else is. That is pretty rude. I would tell her, and stop coming over if you can. If she can't control them she shouldn't have them.
yes it would be. i don't let my dogs "molest" visitors and i expect the same courtesy. a little dog that might trip you is bad enough, we have friends with 2 great white pyreneese (i'm sure i spelled that wrong).

i don't visit very often.
I love my dogs, this is their home

It閳ユ獨 my hope they閳ユ獟l never roam.

My faithful friends, they are the best.

This is their home, YOU are the guest.

If to you, they are a peeve,

By all means, feel free to leave.

This is the sign that greets my guests at the front door. I feel that she should train her dogs not to jump on guests, but I don't agree that she should feel that she has to put them away for company..."company" has the choice of not stopping by if they don't like being around the dogs. Have you tried just asking her to try to stop the jumping?
she needs to keep her dogs under controll. if they start to jump on you bring your knee up and let them hit there chest. You might wind them and that should be it they should learn. But i do have to agree with they live there you dont its there house not yours. But she should get some controll on her dogs.
So, by the same standards, if someone comes to your house and doesn't like you being there, in your own house, is it okay for them to tell you to go to your room because they don't want to deal with or see you????

That is the dog's house, not yours... Get used to it....
My dogs love everyone who comes in the door and have to check them out, sometimes with alot more vigor than I like. So I'll usually put them in a room with a gate in the doorway.

But a relative came over recently and was talking about how much she dislikes dogs, and the hair, and the noise, etc. which was making my blood boil. Down came the gate. She left; don't let the door hit ya on the way out...
Actually, I've tried to teach my family members how to tell the dogs to get down. But they didn't want to listen to me and used a baby talk voice when ours were puppies and they'd pick them up and play and put them on their lap and carry them around. Even earlier this year, I tried to get them to tell them to stay down when they walked in, but they got the same little baby talk voice and attention. Now, when they walk in ... the dogs are just as pleased as punch to see them and I can't keep them down ... and I still try to tell my family, please tell them to get down and don't talk to them that way. It's just never ending. So, now, I put them in the other room since my family won't help me keep them down.
I just hate it when im over there house eating and they jump up on me and BEG for food or sit there and bark at you when your eating for food. and whining ahhhhhhhh I hate it.

thats what i hate. My dogs arent aloud near people when they eat, because i wouldnt want them to learn or start doing that.
It's their house not yours
The way I see it... if you don't like the dogs, then you can stay home.. Her dogs, her house, her lifestyle.. Deal with it and visit, or stay home.

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