Just gor to Level 10 and i wana know how to get a pet.. ! i am a hunter and looking for a hunter pet. !!
any ideas?
World Of Warcraft Pets...?!?!?!?-Myspace pets www.myspace.com
As mentioned above, the hunter trainer for your faction will give you a quest and a "taming rod." You will have to tame a specific animal, after each, you'll get a new quest for another animal, until you have tamed three. Be sure to read the quest text very carefully because only a specific animal will satisfy the quest, and there may be multiples of that animal type in an area. For example one of the orc/troll hunter quests requires the taming of a surf crawler (crab), but there are two types of crawlers in the area where they are found, and only one is acceptable for the quest.
Once you have successfully completed the 3 quests, you will gain the skill "Tame Beast" and will also train the skills "Train Pet" and "Feed Pet." Now, to go get your new friend.
Red the website ~wowguru~ posted, it is the best hunter information on the web. As of recent patches, all pets have the same attack speed, so there's only one real decision to make, what kind of pet do you want?
DPS - high damage, low armor and HP - Cats, wolves included in this
Balanced - medium damage, armor and HP - Scorpids, Striders, boars included in this.
Tank - High armor/HP, low damage - Bears, turtles, crabs included in this class.
Of all the pets, bears and boars are popular because they'll eat ANYTHING, while other animals are more selective in what foods they'll eat.
Training your first pet -
Once you've decided what pet you want, find one that is lower level than you. You CAN NOT tame a creature that is above your level. Put your "tame beast" skill in your toolbar. Get an idea of the range on tame beast. Make sure you have at least 4-5 pieces of your soon to be new pet's favorite food.
Get just inside the range of your tame beast skill, and fire a concussive shot at your desired pet and immediately start taming. The concussive shot slows the critter down, giving you more time to tame. Taming is a channeled spell, and if you move, it breaks. No more training, you'll have to kill the mob and try again.
Once they're tamed, drag some food to the pet icon and keep feeding until the mood icon by the pet changes from red (unhappy) to green (happy). Your pet will get unhappier quick early on, but as they become more loyal, the rate of feeding will decrease.
Go out and enjoy smacking some mobs around with your new found friend.
World Of Warcraft Pets...?!?!?!?
u hav to go and do a quest a hunter only quest were u hav to catch 3 creatures then u get to catch ur own. my request get an owl from allinance territory wait till ur higher lv if u need help send ur wow name to me
World Of Warcraft Pets...?!?!?!?
-(Myspace code myspace.com)
This website is a "must-read" for all hunters. It has every hunter pet you can think of:
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