Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Who hates it when you seep people take pets into stores and restaurants?

I saw this lady with a dog at Mc Donalds today. Nobody said anything, but i saw lots of people make faces.

I've seen people take dogs to the bank, home depot (not that bad, but still not allowed) and places where people eat.

I know some people think its ok to take small dogs places, but i would never presume its ok, small dogs or big.

Who agrees with me?

who disagrees?

I dont mean seeing eye dogs, i mean pets.

Who hates it when you seep people take pets into stores and restaurants?-Myspace pets www.myspace.com

I've never seen a pet in any of those places. The only store I've ever seen someone take their dog (besides seeing eye dogs) is petsmart.

Where do you live? Wow, I'm in Vegas and that kind of behavior would NEVER fly here.

I'd complain the same way that these people with dogs do. It's not fair for them to take their animals out like that. I'm terribly allergic to cats (it's not that I don't like them I'm just ALLERGIC!) if I'm around a cat then my face swells up and a few times my throat has swollen up to the point where I had to be taken to the emergency room.

These businesses should be reminded that they're setting themselves up for a lawsuit. God forbid a person have an extreme allergic reaction to (or be bitten by) an animal in their store who has no business being there in the first place.

I have dogs, I leave them at home when I go shopping or to a restaurant. I would be very loud if I saw a dog in a restaurant though. Cause a scene. They'll ask her to leave. If they ask you to leave, tell them sure, but first you have to make a call to the health department.

Who hates it when you seep people take pets into stores and restaurants?


It all depends, some dogs behave better than some people ;-)

Who hates it when you seep people take pets into stores and restaurants?

-(Myspace code myspace.com)

i hate it when im at the beach tryna swim and some stooge lets his dog paddle around.. where im from dogs arent allowed at the beach in the summer, it sux
Having worked food service for a very long time, this is so frustrating. Many people claim they are service animals as they are comfort animals. These are the same people that cannot provide documentation when asked. I think it's gross.
I totally agree. Unless, it is a pet store then that would be different. But, a grocery store, or any place that people are eating. Unless, they are seeing eye dogs, please keep them out of the store.
don't sweat the small stuff
I agree. The people you describe think the rules don't apply to them and you can bet it probably follows for paying taxes, obeying traffic rules, etc. It is very inconsiderate, you may be next to someone who is allergic and there is no reason they should have to be exposed to your dog.

I love dogs, but there are appropriate and inappropriate places for them.
Its wrong.

If you let a small dog in then you must let any dog in.

I don't want my dog at the table begging I SURE DON'T WANT ANY ONE ELSE'S DOG BEGGING

I bet it smells like peepee
I hate it, only because Im afraid of animals , large or small. I wasnt raised around animals and so they scare me. and who wants to be scared going into a public place
That makes me CRAZY!!! Its like, seriously, who do you think you are. I think a lot of people do it just for the attention.
Well it is not only a societal issue but a cultural one as well. In Europe it is quite common for dogs to be taken to eating establishments. Granted, the people there take a much more leisurely approach to dining, and the dogs are very relaxed as well.

Here in the states it seems to be due to certain public figures that use dogs as an accessory that people feel they should be allowed anywhere.

But why not....if the dog is well behaved and not causing a disturbance what harm is caused by the dog being taken along instead of left behind at home.
I sooo disagree. What would you do, leave your dog in the car where it could die from heat or dehydration or take the damn thing into freaking McDonalds! Of course, you don't know how it feels to loose your child but more or less I admire the people who bring their animals in because it shows they care.
Bringing a dog to an eating establishment is gross. At the very least the owner should have courtesy for the other people, she/he might know the dog's well behaved and doesn't shed but does anyone else? No.

Any where else, I don't think people should bring pets unless there isn't a rule against it. I hate hand sized dogs that people just treat as accessories and bring with them where ever they go.

And a little off topic but for people who go places and always bring their dog but leave them in the car or in the truck bed, it's just WRONG stop doing it!!!

There's this one pit bull in my town that I constantly see in the back of a pickup at walmart and the gym. The dog doesn't seem nice either and he's not leashed to anything.
Some people just can't seem to be separated from their pets. I agree it is wrong to take a dog into an eating establishment, the dog should have been left home, but if it is a choice between leaving a dog in a car where it can die from heat or cold, I would rather see the dog inside. There are some places where there are no pet signs, and if someone takes a dog into such a place, it should be pointed out to the manager to handle it.

I think it is inconsiderate of people to take their dogs into some public places, especially restaurants. Banks and Home Depots don't bother me.
I hate it when sh1t heads like you rant on about someone that is innocent and has not do any harm. Wow! What a jack as s you are. Hum.. oh yes, by the way, my hamster loves being a VIP guest at McDonald's, I mean as crazy as this sounds the little guy is so unique and I'm pals with the people there, and kids love her, they want to see her every time I go. So, it's getting very common around, my point dear is, get use to it! :0)
Then, they take the dog outside and it goes to the bathroom where customers are walking. These are the same self-centered people who never clean up the mess with a plastic grocery bag they give out free in every retail establishment.

No, we do not think your little Fi-Fi is adorable. We think he is dropping fur and has eye bougers and snarly. Keep him home and when you walk him, clean up his poo-poo from our yards also.

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