A lot of people that I know are very afraid of the Rottweiler, mostly through what they've heard from somebody's experience or simply because the dogs do exhibit aggressive behaviour to strangers around their territory or their family. Does anybody have personal bad experience with their pets or somebody else's pets and if so, would you mind filling me in please. My two dogs, Roxy and Shaka are really my best companions and are part of the family. I trust them absolutely.
How many owners of Rottweilers have had bad experiences with their pets?-Myspace pets www.myspace.com
I am currently a vet tech and if you were to ask me what I thought was the overall most aggressive breed our office saw would definitely be Rottweilers.
I like Rotts, do not get me wrong. But we have to sedate, muzzle or not get near more Rotts then any other breed.
2nd would be German Shepherds 3rd would be Dachshunds
How many owners of Rottweilers have had bad experiences with their pets?
-(Myspace.com)In my opinion the "Best Answer" is the worst. I have a 3 year old rottie that does not require a muzzle at the vet. We have had ZERO bad experiences with her. Rotties are products of their environment. If your dogs are anti-social, they need socializing. Take them for walks and to the park. Report It
How many owners of Rottweilers have had bad experiences with their pets?
-(Myspace code myspace.com)
The only bad experiences I've had with my Rotties was losing two of them suddenly. We had three at one time. One, our first, developed cancer and went within a week. Two months later, another one, our Rescue Rottie got a virus and was gone in less than two days. Still have one. They are the sweetest dogs ever. They all thre got along well and played together. They won over every single person they met.
i love my rottweiler and had no problems with her. i am a kennel tech and Dachshunds been the worst with aggression
My family has had three Rotties, two females (not at the same time) and a male. The worst experience we've had with them was losing the two females, one to a heart attack and one to cancer. Xena and Bailey (the females) were so sweet and gentle, although Bailey had issues with small, mannerless dogs, and Dozer (the male) is incredibly gentle with my 8 month old daughter, and in general a big baby. The only thing I don't trust him with is my food, lol.
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