My mom hates pets. She loves to see them and all but she will not let me get any. She sais over her dead body. She had a dog/sheep when she was younger. Also when i was younger we had a lot of birds. I don't know exactly what happened to them but she even sais no birds. I really want a tiger cat! :(
How do i help my mom not be afraid of pets?-Myspace pets
It does not sound as if your mom is afraid of pets. It sounds like she does not want any. There is a big difference.
Did she have a pet she was extremely fond of, and it died, and she does not want to have to go through that pain again? Is there a financial reason she does not want pets? Does she like to travel, and thinks pets would keep her tied down? You said you used to have birds - did the family have pets before, but your mom was the only one that took care of them, and she is tired of all the work and responsibility?
You won't be able to change you mom's mind about pets unless you understand the reasons she does not want any pets. If you are able to talk to her about it calmly, she might open up to you and you will be able to understand. You can not be belligerent, whiny, judgemental or dismissive of her concerns. You need to discuss it as if it did not involve you and your wishes for a pet. Do not get emotional.
Maybe after you understand why your mom says no pets, you will be able to talk to her about alternatives - if she does not want the work and the responsibility, tell her you will do it all. (But you had better be a responsible person if you tell her this. If you are always making promises to do things, like chores around the house, and never do them, she will not believe you.) If it is financial, show her how you can earn the money to buy the pet and to pay for food, toys, vet bills, etc. If she does not want to go through the pain of a pet dying, tell her you understand. Tell her you know how hard that is, but time can make us feel better, and then a new pet can help us fill the void left in our hearts.
Good luck!
How do i help my mom not be afraid of pets?
just get one lol
How do i help my mom not be afraid of pets?
-(Myspace code
take her to a pet store and ask to hold them and while u are holding it ask her to pet it because its really soft and she has to ajust but if she said no keep asking her she will finaly get so mad she will say yes and then she might like it
Its possible that she doesn't hate pets, but rather doesn't want the responsibility for caring for one. If you can prove you are responsible enough for one, she may consider getting you one. But if you bring one home without her permission you will do the opposite and she won't let you have one.
So your mom is afraid of pets,right.Well tell your mom that a pet is something great to have.Tell her you'll care for the cat you want.You should say that a pet won't hurt you.Ask your mom why she won't let you have a pet.Talk to your mom about it.Tell her how great it would be to have a cat around the house.When you don't have a pet in your life it feels empty.If you do get a pet it feels full in your house and you can have someone to play with.Trust me.I always wanted a dog but my mom wouldn't let me.So I told her how great it would be to have a dog around the house.And i got that dog.
Good Luck!
your mom has to want to overcome her fear. She should see a psychologist about her fear, and start by looking at books.. visit places she can see animals, but at a distance that she is comfortable with.. and slowly work her way closer to animals.
Mom makes the rules tho, if she insists on no pets, then you will just have to wait until you are out of the house and on your own to get a pet.
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