Monday, November 30, 2009

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?

Would you get rid of your pet to be able to move into an apt.? I am having a problem. i have two cats and am trying to find a place for myself but all the places i can afford do not accept pets. What would you do?

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?-Myspace pets

stay put

or sneak em in

best of wishes to ya.!

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?


No, I wouldn't

This is a serious question. I really need your help. Its about pets.?

-(Myspace code

No I wouldn't. I love my pets dearly enough not to do that to them.
i could not do it. unless you can give them to your parents.

that is the only way i could do at least keep the cats in the family. but its lonely without a pet.
If I knew they had a good home, I might.
only way l would do that is if they were with a family member or friend that would love them and take care of them like l do. l could never give them to the SPCA.
I wouldn't be separated from my pets for the world. Some humane societies or SPCAs have a link on their sights that will point you to apartment complexes that allow pets. Some sites like will allow you to search with certain criteria like pet friendly and within a certain price range. They are hard to find, but affordable rentals that are pet friendly are out there. Good luck!
If I had to I would make sure the pets were left in the best possible hands.
Keep looking! Pets are life-long responsibilities and should not be "discarded" when they become inconvenient.
I'd shoot the pets

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